in General

day 4 of treatment

Last night and this morning Ezra was feeling much worse than he had be, which is alright – mostly just a result of the chemo catching up. That stuff can be brutal on a body, so some rough nights are normal. They checked his hemoglobin count and found it was back down to a 4.5, likely the cause of last night’s rough patch. He got another transfusion this afternoon, and will get his chemo a little late today because of that, but still on schedule.

They’re going to check his blood counts twice a day now instead of daily, to make sure it doesn’t drop so quick again. Once the chemo is complete for this round, we shouldn’t see issues, but we need to watch him closely during the treatment.

One thing they are a bit worried about is his eating – he hasn’t eaten much since last Sunday when he came in. Saturday he ate quite a good amount, but yesterday because he was feeling off he didn’t eat much. Ezra needs to get some caloric intake! They may look at some different high-calory foods to give to him over this week to help him, but its not a HUGE deal – he’s actually GAINED 3 pounds since being here.

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