in General

celebration of life

A day has passed since Ezra died. Thank you so much to everyone who has sent their love to us. I wrote the post yesterday about Ezra’s passing, and we went straight to sleep. By the time I woke up we had 500 emails in our inbox. Thousands of people shared the links on Facebook. More than one person who’d been following our story from various states told me they went to work and someone at work showed THEM the links to the blog. Emails came in from Kenya, Ireland, Dubai… the list goes on. We are humbled.

We will be having Ezra’s celebration of life service this weekend. I would like to invite all of you to come. Whether you have met us personally or not, you knew our son by reading this. Your prayers gave us strength during this past year. Your lives have been touched as well. We welcome anyone who’d like to come and celebrate Ezra with us.

The service will be as follows:

Saturday, November 13th
Grace Family Church

Main Sanctuary
5101 Van Dyke Rd
Lutz, FL 33558

12:30pm-2pm Visitation with Family
2-3pm Celebration of Life Service for Ezra

We will be having a private family-only burial directly after the service, so please make sure to arrive by 12:30 to visit with us. When you drive into the church, head to the large building farthest away from the entrance to the church off Van Dyke. We are asking people NOT to wear black – we want a vibrant, happy celebration of the constant joy Ezra lived with. Wear some boyish colors. 🙂

If you are flying in, you’ll want to come in to Tampa International Airport. It’s about 20 minutes from the church. We do not have any hotel or car arrangements, so please make your own arrangements. EDIT: We do have a hotel which is about 45 minutes from the church and our house in Clearwater which is offering to put up any out of town guests for the weekend. Please email us if you would like to take advantage of that by clicking the “get ahold of us” link on the right of

If you would like to send flowers, please send them to the church on Saturday, and have them delivered by noon on Saturday.

Funeral and cemetery fees are a reality and already well into the thousands of dollars, and if you’d like to give to us for that, feel free at We are also planning on starting a foundation to fight childhood cancer and fund research, and we will continue this blog to let everyone know as we move forward with that.

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  1. I have been praying for God to give you and your family strength during this very difficult time. I am sorry for your loss as I can imagine what you are feeling during this time and my heart goes out to you both and your family as well.
    I will not be able to make the celebration of life but I will be praying for you & the family. God bless you.

    Angel Zachary’s mommy forever,
    Deann Santos

  2. Wish I could be there for the celebration of the little boy I’ve fallen in love with!!
    Wishing you peace and praying for God to wrap His arms around you as you heal! Blessings!!!

  3. My heart hurts so bad for you both. I will always love Ezra – He will live in my heart for the rest of my life. Your cousin – Tammy
    P.S. I love little Charley so much too and I hope you will provide all kinds of updates on him so I along with so many countless others can get to know him better just as well as we’ve all gotten to know Our precious baby Ezra.
    God Bless the Matthews Family – Amen

  4. We wish we could be there but Steve and I send our love and continue to be in prayer for you & your family. Thank you for allowing us to be blessed by you and your beautiful little boy. Love you guys!

  5. You guys are AMAZING. There is not much else I can say. I will consider it a blessing if Juan and I are half the parents that you two are. I know that Ezra will bless every child that is fighting like he fought. His job now is much bigger then we will ever know.

  6. Kyle, I am sorry I cannot make it. However, I just wanted you to know. I am honored to call you friend. You inspire me to be so much a better father than ever. I love you bro,

  7. I am so sorry that your beautiful son is no longer with you, but I am so happy he is free from pain and running with the angels now. He certainly had a very special purpose here on earth, and he touched so many lives, including mine! I pray for your comfort and God’s perfect love to surround you during the days ahead.

  8. Kyle and Robin, I would love to be there for the celebration of Ezra’s life but unfortunately I am out of state. Although I have not met your family I have fallen in love with your words of faith and strength. You are amazing people. I am a better person because of The Matthews story. Please know that not one day goes by that I do not think of Ezra. He was an amazing fighter through his short little life. Thank you for allowing me to be strengthened by your precious little boy.

  9. Thank you so much for extending the invitation to all of us who have followed Ezra and your family’s story faithfully. It is with regret that my family will not be able to attend as we live in Colorado, but be sure that we will be sending lots of love and prayers during the service and during the days, weeks and months ahead.

    May peace be with you all!

    The Weis Family
    (Scott, Jennifer, Addison and Lillie)

  10. Kyle and Robyn,
    I’m in gratitude and prayer of being able to follow a big portion of Ezra’s life vicariously through you…thank you for that! You guy’s are beautiful and exemlify the true meaning of love in it’s entirety. God be with you both duing your grieving now and your new beginning with Charley. May He comfort you and hold you tight. Just know that He is Always with You. I pray that He continue to give you strengh and in all you do. My heart aches for Ezra, as I think of him constantly, and I sometimes smile because I know that He is at the foot of Jesus, and now an Angel to be with us always in spirit. We will miss his sweet face. The impact Ezra’s Story made an all over the world, and it will indeed last a lifetime.
    Kyle, thank you for continuing the Bolg…I’m looking forward to getting to know Charley and his little personality. I know the photo’s will be wonderful. Thank you for continuing to show us your heart.
    Love you guy’s so much. We are praying that God opens a door for us (Tammy and I) to get back there. It will only happen if it’s in God’s will. ….. All I know is with God; All things are Possible. So don’t be really surprised if we show up. 🙂 Hugs
    God’s Blessings on you BIG !!
    Love, Aunt Judy and Family

  11. Thank you for sharing Ezra with us. I did get to see a glimpse of how special he is and know how precious he is through your story. Ezra and your family touched me and my family deeply. I pray for the Lord’s arms of His loving comfort to encompass you and your family. Ezra will be missed. He had more life in him than most. What a wonderful and precious little boy he was. Thank you so much for sharing your life with us. I am praying for your family. God bless you all so much. Please keep us posted on how Charley is doing as well as yourselves. Please let us know if there is anything that we can do for your family. Sending this filled with warm hugs and prayers!

  12. Oh how I wish that I could be present in person on Saturday to celebrate Ezra’s life with you.

    However, distance and finances dictate that that is not a possibility so please know that my thoughts and prayers are with you now and will be with you especially on Saturday.

    May God wrap His arms around you and give you His love, His comfort and His peace. Without Him, we are nothing!

    You may get a phone call from us in either February or April saying that we are in Tampa and would love to meet you and Charley, but only if it is convenient for you. Whether we get there depends a lot on my husband’s 87 year old parents who have a place in Plant City. We either drive them down there and stay for 7 – 10 days before flying home or fly down and stay 7 – 10 days and drive them back home to Canada again.

    I will be continuing to follow this website!

    Many hugs,

    Heather Oliver
    Windsor, ON

  13. It has taken me two days to figure out what to say. I can not put into words on how sorry I am for your loss, and I know no words can help ease the pain and emptiness you feel. The hurt will never go away, but it will get easier with time. We can all take comfort knowing that he is no longer hurting and he is at peace. I feel deep down my late husband is up there watching over him. My heart breaks for your family. Thank you for letting us all get to know Ezra and your family through this blog. I feel honored and blessed to have gotten to know yall through this. We may have never met, but I did get to know yall. Thank you for that. We would love to be there Sat we are in Texas. But your family and Ezra will be in our thoughts and Prayers. Please keep us updated on baby Charley. What was Ezras fav. color, we can wear that Sat maybe? Ill have my family wear bright happy colors in memory of your brave son.

  14. That constant little river of anxiousness flowed through me every day your precious son was valiently fighting this demon. It is finished now. It was a race well run. God has him now and besides you Kyle – he has the best father he can have now.

    Though I want so so much to be there to celebrate his life, mourn his loss, rejoice in his angel wings and stand in love for your family I, sadly, cannot. I am in PA and have 3 children I am raising alone so it is not possible. I am and will be sending love, prayers and blessings. I cannot imagine your loss though I have come to know and love Ezra and your family through the kindness of your sharing. The world is indeed a darker place without your sweet baby’s smile, laugh and strength. May God shine His abundant light upon you, your family and all the families who have and are having to endure this plight – the world is a difficult place to be and at times shows its evil head – may we be in the world but not of it.

    I love you all – Gena Clark, Cameron (17), Carly and Carson (both 2 1/2)

  15. Saturday will be a glorious day!! I pray you are surrounded by loving people. I will not be there, but here in washington the trumpets will be blaring in praise to the father for Ezra! someone that does go please give the warmest biggest hug to the matthews family for me,, tell them its from Kim!! I am just a sister in christ,, and i love you so guys so much

  16. Kyle and Robin, I’ve grown to love your family through this blog, facebook and especially from Val and Robb. I so wish to be able to be there on Saturday, but I live in WA. However, you will be constantly in my thoughts and prayers all that day. I hope to visit Val in the spring, I pray that perhaps I can meet you then and give you a big hug. I can’t begin to know the pain you are feeling, just know that our prayers and love are there to help hold you up. The word says to help bear other peoples burdens, to cry with them and to laugh with them. You have thousands upon thousands of arms holding you up to our precious heavenly Father right now, rest assured. God Bless You.

  17. I grew to feel like I know and love Ezra. He has changed my life forever, and I wish I can be there to celebrate and to meet you and Robyn. I am joining the fight against neuroblastoma in any way I can by raising awareness and money for research through the Layla Grave Fdn, and well as yours. I’ll look forward to updates. Ezra will live on in my heart forever.

  18. Although we don’t know you personally, I feel as though I know your family from reading your blog! My family and I live off of Van Dyke, literally a couple of minutes from GFC. As long as my husband doesn’t have to work on Saturday, he, myself and our son Aiden should definitely be there to celebrate the life of your sweet Ezra. I have been thinking of your family nonstop, especially since I read your entry yesterday… Please know that you are in our thoughts and prayers.

  19. Though he was here for such a short time your precious little angel was a true blessing to so many of us! Thank you sharing him with us and allowing him into our hearts forever. My family feels honored to be able to join with you in celebrating Ezra’s life.

  20. How wonderful that you are having such an awesome celebration of little Ezra’s life, and even more wonderful that you are extending that invitation to all of us who have just gotten to know your family and Ezra through your blog. So many of us have fallen in love with this little boy, and we are all hurting right along with you for this loss. Thank you so much for sharing your angel with us. My family and I graciously accept your offer to be a part of this celebration- we will be there Saturday. You are in our prayers and thoughts as you walk the days ahead. God Bless

  21. How I wish I could be there Saturday! I had hoped it would be Sunday, unfortunately I have a prior commitment up here in Jacksonville.
    I agree with all those who have asked you to keep us posted on Charley. The Matthews Story is still being written! And I am excited to see how Charley’s chapter progresses!
    I pray all those who have become so involved in Ezra’s life will be involved in helping your endeavours to be sure that childhood cancers are given as much attention as others are! This is far from he end of the journey for all of us who were touched by Ezra’s life and journey!
    My thoughts will be with you all on Saturday! My prayers are still with you now!
    Annie Mercer

  22. My heart and prayers have been with you and your family every step of the way since I learned of your situation! They will continue to be with you through the days, weeks and months ahead. God is good even in our darkest hours. Keep trusting Him and leaning on Him and all the prayers that are upholding you!!!

  23. I have been praying for God to make things better for your family but GOD has a place and is ready for him in Heaven. I pray for the best for you two and hope that you may not be depressed through this situation. My hearth began to hurt when i say this as to I never expected something like this to happen. A LOT of PRAYER still goes out to your family and I PRAY FOR A BETTER FUTURE FOR YOUR FAMILY….

  24. May the peace that only Christ can share fill you both during this time.

    My daughters and I pray for your family every day.

    While I’ve never met you or your family in person, your music on Saturday nights touched my life for many years.

  25. Wishing you a blessed day on Saturday. I encourage you or have someone there take lots of pictures. We did not do that when Royce died and we so wish we had.

    Love the idea of bright boy colors! I would be wearing bright red if I was there, but being on the other side of the US that is just not possible.

    God Bless you all and may you be loved in every way possible by friends near and far.

  26. It bothers me to no end that I will not be able to be in Tampa in time for this great celebration of life. I will not be in Tampa until Thanksgiving. I hope that I am able to meet you and Robyn at church while I am home. I have asked Kim W to give you guys hugs from me. My heart truly goes out to you. You courage to share all your feelings, good ones and not so good ones, with the world is bold. God wants us all to be bold. You were willing to share God with people on all ends of the earth through these hard times over the last 13 months or so. Lives have been and will continue to be changed by your family story. This is not an end but just the beginning of the movement. I will continue to tell the people I meet of your incredible story and what God has done and continues to do. Your story continues on with Charley andI hope you continue to keep us all posted on his great life. God bless.
    Psalms 46:10 – 10 He says, “Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.”

  27. I heard about Ezra’s battle through Josh Hunter’s blog just about a month ago. As you probably know, he lost his then 5 year old daughter in early Sept. to this hideous monster. From the first time I logged on to the Matthews story, I was so taken in by Ezra’s precious spirit. Every day, I was so hoping to hear of God’s healing touch on your little guy. So heartbroken for both of you. But God is good, and He loves Ezra in ways that we can’t even begin to understand, which is why He needed Ezra back home with Him. I will continue to pray for your entire family. I will miss seeing precious Ezra’s pictures. He was a courageous little dude. I live in Orlando, and was getting some things together to bring down for you at the hospital. I regret that time ran out before I got to meet either of you. I will gladly donate on Ezra’s behalf to whatever will be more of a blessing to your family, either funeral needs or cancer research. Praying for God’s Highest and Best Blessings in the coming days, weeks, and months, as you navigate life with Ezra in heaven.

  28. How I wish I could be there to celebrate Ezra’s life! He is truly an inspiration and I will never forget him, or your family. My family has been following yours for such a long time, we feel like we’ve known you personally. I want to thank you for sharing your life with us, and sharing Ezra. I am humbled by your strength and faith. I have been crying since yesterday, but while I’m heartbroken, I am also crying tears of joy. Ezra is with our Heavenly Father, and Price, and that is comforting to me. I will continue to pray for your family, and would love to help with the cancer foundation. I will be with you in spirit on Saturday.
    Much love,
    Jeff, Diane and Justin Sievers
    Port Orchard, WA

  29. I never realized you went to Grace. I used to attend there a while back. Your son has made a difference in the lives of all who read his story. God speaks and says” He is playing at My throne and Jesus holds him in His lap. His short life has been used by Me to save thousands of souls.” Many times we don’t undertand God’s plan – He never destroys – but will use this situation that when we stand before Him one day – Ezra will be at the gate and God will say to him “Well done my good and faithful servant” as Ezra gazes over the thousands that he helped God bring to salvation and eternal life. I can think of no finer tribute than his one small life reaching out to all the world. Christians have been united throughout the world. I believe that God is saying – keep it going – MY Son is coming back soon. The time is short. We need to band together and pray for the lost. Your son’s life is truly a gift from God. Let not our hearts be troubled or afraid. Your family will be prayed for by thousands who will reach thousands more in the near future. Ezra’s story has made a difference in the lives of Christians and this will have a profound effect on the world. He will never be forgotten. To all who know Jesus – see you at the gate one of these fine days!!!!!!!!!!

  30. I have grown to know and love Ezra as if he was my own child.. It saddens me that he has passed, he will never be forgotten from my heart or my mind.. Ezra gave this “HORRIBLE” disease a good fight..
    I would love to be there for the Celebration of Ezra, unfortunately I will have to miss this.. In honor or Ezras’ life I will Celebrate by having a candle vigil and have my family wear vibrant colors..
    I’m very sorry for ur loss.. May God be with u and ur family at this time.. Ur story has touched so many people out there..
    I would love nothing more then to keep following ur journey with Charley..
    God’s blessings u and ur family..

    Gail, Mike, and Bryce

  31. I can’t find words to ease the emptiness you both must feel. My heart hurts as if Ezra was my little boy. The faith and love you both share is what has brought you both this far and I know,with the help of your church family,you will endour and grow stronger. Kyle, your heartfelt singing always inspires me and I hope you will sing at least one song at the service.
    May God give you comfort during this difficult time.
    I hope to be there Saturday.

  32. We feel so blessed and honored to be a part of this moment to share with you the wonderful life Ezra had. The more we think about the situation, the more we realize that Ezra did his job God sent him here to do: he brought people to God, he brought people closer to God, and he brought compassion into the thousands upon thousands of people. Ezra did more in his 2 precious years of life than most people do in a lifetime. It is heartbreaking that he is gone physically, but it’s amazing the impact he had on people worldwide. We look forward to watching Charley grow up and we also look forward to raising awareness and funding for the cure for childhood cancer. I have no doubt in my mind that, with the power of God and the hearts of your family and the mass of people who have come together through Ezra, a cure will be found and childhood cancer will be a thing of the past. We will miss Ezra very much and our prayers are with you forever & always. God bless.

  33. I live in San Diego and I really wish I could be there for little Ezra’s Celebration of Life. I have kept up with your blogs and feel as if I know your family. (My son Josh Dominguez knows you). But my sister lives in Tampa and I am going to ask her to attend on my behalf. When I do go visit her, I definitely want to meet your beautiful family. Ezra’s story has touched me to the core. Please keep us posted on baby Charley’s progress. I will continue to pray for all of you and am sending a gift to help w/ expenses. You are a very special family that God is using to touch many lives. Blessings, Ostolia Dominguez BTW, the Nicolas Conor Institute is a pediatric cancer research organization based here in San Diego. It was started by parents whose son had the same diagnosis as little Ezra. Thought you might like to know that.

  34. Everything I want to say has already been said in every comment.. I want so bad to be there to meet robyn again, charley, see kyle again, and celebrate ezra! Our family has had very difficult times lately financially, emotionally and even just feeling like a family is hard sometimes because of it.. Ezras journey everyday has kept faith and hope in my heart and has made me in a “constant-prayer” state which I am so thankful for! I have been weeping since ur post when he passed and am still. We love you guys, please please keep up the blog and we want to help anyway possible here in wa or there in tampa to raise awareness for childhood cancer. Never will stop thinking or praying for your family and charley! I am so glad ezra is resting in Gods amazing arms and peace.

  35. Nobody should have to endure the pain and agony that you and Robyn have this past year. Why God chooses to test us and our endurance is beyond my understanding. Please try to work this out together and enjoy your son Charlie with all of your hearts. My sadness, tears, and hope go out to you and your family.

  36. Dear Robin and Kyle, I came upon your blog through the Layla Grace blog and have been checking in to see how your little boys are doing for a while now. My heart is breaking for yet another loss for your family! I am greatful that you have such a strong faith and belief in God, I don’t know that I could under the circumstances. I will continue to keep your family in my prayers and that one day very soon a cure will be found for this devastating disease! Thank-you for sharing your story, your lives, your precious Ezra, with us. May we all carry a piece of him with us! May Charley grow up strong and live a full life surrounded by your love & faith! I need to go squeeze my three baby girls and thank God once again for our blessings!
    With love and praying for God’s grace and comfort,
    Melissa Valentine Snider and family

  37. I loved all yr photos & videos, it made me think of my little son, Francis was took away by the same cancer since 1st Feb, 2009. You know what, I’m still missing him very seconds right now & still crying for my lost!!! I knew that you & Robyn will keep facing difficult time but I deeply wish that you can stronger than me becos u still hv Charley, God blessing yr family!

  38. i just read this and broke down crying. My heart goes out to you and your family at this time of grieve. I am so sorry for your loss. May God give you the strength to go on and may he bless your other son and give you endurance and strength. my love and prayers goes out to you

  39. Thank you so much for inviting us to a part of the awesome celebration for Ezra. I live in wisconsin so unfortunatley will not be able to attend but you will be in my thoughts this weekend, and in my heart forever.

  40. I keep coming back to your blog and re-reading your post from yesterday morning. I’m so sorry. You have lost a piece of your world–twice. I just can’t imagine your pain. I live in NY, so I will not be able to make it on Saturday, but I will be praying for you. We have been going through “the ringer” (but it’s really not that bad considering) trying to close on a new house, but Ezra has helped me keep my perspective on life and what is really important–God, living life to the fullest and love. He has touched my life and the lives of countless others. Peace, Matthews, and especially to Ezra.

  41. How I wish that I could be there, but I won’t be able to as my husband has to work. These past few days, I’ve been praying for your family.

  42. Kyle and Robin,
    While I didn’t know you two on a personal level, I did know Ezra from the time I volunteered in the PromiseLand at Grace. He was a great joy. He will be missed dearly. We hope to make the Celebration of Life for Ezra this weekend, God willing. We will continue to pray for you and your family. God Bless you All.

    The Haran Family

  43. i have to say i was so broken hearted when I hurd the news.. i was at work and had to leave my desk. because i couldnt compose my self… And the tears fell.. i am so sorry for you lost but thankful for his life.. I will not be able to atteend because i work sat and the hospital at by grace ( urgent care) and i dont get off untill 6:00 i am so sorry. but will continue to pray, God bless

  44. Thank you for sharing your story. Our prayers are with you. Thinking of the day you’re family is reunited brings a smile to my face. God had plans for this story. The response is proof positive! Lolling forward to the next chapter.

  45. Dearest Kyle and Robyn
    I’ve spent the last 2 days reading every update you’ve posted over the past year or so, and I’m absolutely amazed in your strength and never failing faith in God. You two are truly the most amazing couple I’ve ever heard of and I’m so sorry that prescious Ezra lost his fight.

    As a mother of 2, I can’t even begin to imagine the pain and hurt you have/are going through – and your faith has never wavered one bit.

    You can take comfort in knowing that your little man is up in heaven now with his little brother and there is no more pain for him.

    I pray that God gives you the strength to get through these next few days together as a family and that you have a wonderful life from here on in!

  46. I have been checking your blog everyday. Hoping and praying for a miracle for your little boy. As I read about his passing I was heartbroken and I sat here and cried. There are no words that anyone can say to ease your pain. I hope and pray that the Lord will give you strength and courage in this difficult time. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Thank You very much for sharing your sweet Angel with us. Because of Ezra I hug, kiss and hold my children tighter…God Bless you and your family!!! I will never forget your sweet boy Ezra…R.I.P EZRA

  47. I followed ezras journey for the past year and that little boy put up quite the fight. I myself have battled cancer twice and have been fortunate to beat it but this terrible disease was just a little stronger than he was. Everyday I try to find new ways of raising money or volunteering my time to give back and I wish I could do something to take your pain away. He is a beautiful boy and an inspiration to all that new him or heard of him. I live in Toronto Canada and want so badly to be there on Saturday and if I can pull some strings I will get on a plane and be there for support. Please take care and thankyou for allowing me to be a part of his journey and he is in a wonderful place today pain free and still full of life i’m sure:)

  48. I have been following you story for about 3 weeks now. It is amazing at the strength your family has shown to the rest of the world. Our continued prayers are with you.

  49. Praying that the celebration of Ezra will be a wonderful balm for you & Robyn. Praying that the days to come will bring special connections with Charley.

    Though I cannot join you on Saturday physically, my heart will be there for sure.

    Love continually flows to you all.

  50. Dear Robyn and kyle,
    There is so much love here from all the posts above mine. I too so wish I could be there to meet the two of you personally, and to celebrate the life of Ezra, but I live in California. Your families journey is impacting so many lives. None of that can replace the lives of your precious son’s. I don’t even know what to say, I just feel drawn to this website looking for updates even though I get notified when there is. There is a love here that can’t be explained.
    Looking forward to getting to know Charlie.
    With Love In Christ

  51. I don’t know much.

    But, I do know that far too many kids spend their lives wondering if their parents really care. Your son never wondered, never questioned.

    You should be proud of your parenting as you grieve. Celebrate as you mourn.

  52. I was sick for a couple days and not able to check the updates. I am changed for life through this experience. He fought real hard that little boy of yours. We do not know the why’s why but we know that God is in the midst of everything, our deepest and our highest. I thank you for having posted this journey and for allowing me to get somewhat involved through prayer. I know that you both are some of the greatest heroes I know. Make sure you always remember Ezra with a smile! God be with you as you journey through finding out what life holds for you after this. He(God) has good plans for you but first rest as you let go of all the anxiety and trials this experience brought you through.

  53. I just happened across this some how through twitter… these few minutes of my day have been touched by you and the love of a sweet boy! Thanks for reminding all of us to be thankful for everyday and thank you for interrupting my busy day at work to say a prayer of thanks!

  54. Please consider my condulances for your loss, I can not imagine what you are going through.God bless you in your life. Im sorry once again for your loss.

  55. God bless you and your wonderful little family! I came across your blog via facebook, and have checked up every day since! I am so sorry to hear about Ezra’s passing… but thankful to know that he is with our Lord, and no longer in pain. Your family’s story has been an extra blessing to me, as 3 weeks ago I was diagnosed with thyroid cancer. After reading your story, it has really helped the Lord bring a huge amount of peace on me, knowing that I could’ve had worse. Y’all are strong. And I know this has brought the two of you together.
    I pray for you all as you prepare for Saturday! Although I cannot be there, my prayers are continuously with you all, and may God continue to give His everlasting peace!

    Carissa Land

  56. My heart is broken in two for you. Rest in peace Ezra, another beautiful angel in heaven xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  57. I live in Boston and won’t be able to make the service as much as I would love to. I will absolutely be with you in spirit as you celebrate precious Ezra’s life and I’ll be praying along with you on Saturday. Kyle and Robyn, please know that Ezra made such an impact on thousands of people who had the privilege of getting to know him through this blog. You are both two of the most wonderful, selfless parents that I have ever met and give true meaning to unconditional, endless love. I will keep both of you and Charley in my prayers forever. Much peace and love. X0X0X0

  58. I can’t make it on 11/13 but I will wear something very bright that day in memory of Ezra.
    THank you again for sharing your journey. God bless you all.

  59. If I lived near Florida I wouldn’t miss it for the world! Your story has touched me in a way that is hard to put into words. I’ll make sure to wear something bright for Ezra that day. Got bless you all and may Ezra rest in peace. God has truly gained another angel. Thank you for posting your courageous journey. Ezra has been such an inspiration. I wish you all love and happiness. xoxoxo

  60. I will never forget the story of “Ezra.”
    His short life has impacted so many lives & prayers from around the world. On Saturday I will also wear bright colors & though I will not be at his Celebration of Life I will still be praying for God to wrap his warm & healing arms around your loving faithful family. Praying for God to give you more strength than you need to carry on.

  61. kyle&robyn were sorry we can”t make it to ezra”s celebration of life, but we sent flowers,” boyish flowers” i hope you both know you”re in the prayers i offer day by day to thank god for the precious blessing life has brought your way and at this time especially i”am asking in each prayer that god well heal and bless you and keep you in his care. we love you all. aunte laureen&uncle bob.dickersons.

  62. God bless you and your entire family. Thank you for sharing your story and Ezra. We are holding you up in prayer and hope you are feeling it like a huge hug.

  63. I have been following your blog and my heart is broken for your family! I understand that God has reasons for everything and I, by faith, accept it. But, I wanted God to speak to me and show me scriptures to back it up. During my devotions I was led to Hebrews 11 and God gave me the answer I was looking for. I wanted to share this with you just in case you would be able to find any comfort in it also.
    My thoughts and prayers will be with you all throughout the day!
    Ezra’s life caused me to search a new side of God and find His wisdom I wouldn’t have done otherwise. And, I am taking your challenge about my children to heart. Thank you for sharing your story! It is a great testimony and encouragement. I will always think you of guys and pray for you when I do!

  64. May you feel the love and prayers that surround all of you as you celebrate Ezra’s life. I’m sure it will be a day filled with many tears and many smiles. My love and prayers are with you.

  65. You and your family are close to my heart this afternoon as you celebrate Ezra’s life. May you feel God’s constant presence and strength as you move through this time!

  66. Just wanted you guys to know that I am thinking of you today as you celebrate Ezra’s life. I hope that the weather is as amazing there as it is here in TX. Just another reminder of how amazing our God is. May you feel His love like you have never felt it before on this day.

  67. The celebration yesterday was beautiful. I am forever changed. I’ve been posting your blog updates on facebook and many of my friends have begun to follow your blog. Reading your words and seeing your faith has touched so many people, even unbelievers. One of my friends emailed me and said that she’s never been religious and that she doesn’t pray, but after reading your story, she didn’t know what to do… so she prayed! Ezra’s story had such an impact that this women reached out to God for possibly the first time in her life. I know his life will continue to impact so many people. Thank you for sharing your story with all of us.

  68. Kyle and Robyn, we just received the news and our heart is heavy for you. We are sorry to be so far and not being able to attend the celebration but I can see that you were showered with love and support. We will continue doing just that from here through prayer. And please know that Ezra’s life was indeed short but had an unmeasurable impact on many, many lives, ours included.

    Josh and Rose Rodriguez

  69. God Bless your beautiful Angel Ezra David Matthews! God bless your beautiful STRONG family! My continued thoughts, prayers and love are with you ALL!