in General


We are home!

We were discharged this morning and are now home for a few weeks while Ezra recuperates and gets ready for another round of chemo. He still has his feeding tube in, which seems to be annoying him – every time he brushes his fingers against his nose he cries. We think it’s just a bit tender, as the tube itself shouldn’t hurt.

We’ve got a pump and food and bags and a pole and all sorts of stuff to be giving him food through the tube at night, as well as shots once a day, and some other medicine. He seems better already, and definitely glad to be home… but he’s still definitely recovering and easily agitated.

Visitors are pretty much not allowed in the house, as his immune system with the chemo is very weak. We’re having to wash our hands after eating before touching him, make sure we clean clean clean, and overall be clean freaks. I guess now is as good a time as any.

Even though we’re home now, we’re still going to be heavily doctor centered… appointments Monday and Wed already, as well as every 3 days to get his blood checked and transfusion if necessary. He’ll still be getting his surgery in the next couple weeks before the next round of chemo to get a more permanent line inserted into his chest. Ugh.

It’s tough. He is still our little baby, but you can see the pain he’s going through and it hurts to watch him hurt. The positive side is knowing he WILL make it through this, and seeing how strong he is even right now – laughing, crying, smiling, and pushing on. Ezra’s strength is something I’m proud of – he’s being put through stuff a kid should never have to experience, and he’s still smiling and laughing every day.

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