in General

busy week ahead

Hello, it’s 2AM Monday and I’m awake getting some work done. Finding time to make work happen while also being in the hospital so much and still seeing the family… its tough! I’ve been telling people who ask, “this whole thing isn’t getting easier, but the difficulty is becoming more normal.” I suppose it’s like if the work was still as hard, but your callouses got bigger. 😀 We’re trudging through!

This week will be a very busy one – we’re in every day but Tuesday, with some slightly big procedures as well. Here’s this week’s lineup:

Monday: Labs/bloodwork. We’ll be in 11-4ish.
Tuesday: OFF!!!! Whatever will we do Tuesday?!?!?! Ezra will still be getting shots from us and have to ingest an interesting thing called SSKI which protects his thyroid from being messed up from the next couple days’ procedures.
Wednesday: Ezra gets an injection of something called MIBG, which goes through his body and is taken up only in active neuroblastoma (Ezra’s type of cancer) areas.
Thursday: Ezra is sedated and gets a 24 hour MIBG scan to see results. He’ll also be getting labs/bloodwork.
Friday: Same as Thursday, but now a 48 hour scan for a contrast.
Saturday: Bone scan. While the MIBG tests for active neuroblastoma areas, the bone scan gives an accurate view of his actual bones. The cancer initially had lesions on Ezra’s bones, and we’re hoping after these two rounds those have gone away and the bones have been able to start rebulding themselves.

It’s a crazy week!

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