in General

an army

A quick update on Ezra today.

He is needing more oxygen, and his platelets remain low. The drs think he has become refractory to platelets, meaning his body is thinking they are foreign objects and destroying them as soon as they see new ones (platelets his body makes are still fine, but because of the high amount of cancer in his bone marrow he is not currently making new platelets). He got more red blood today (packed cells) to up his hemoglobin count. His heart rate is staying steady at around 150, and his breathing is also slowed down from the much-too-fast pace he was breathing early Tuesday and all of Monday.

We are still giving him the chemo, today will be the third day. It is given around 8pm. There is a very fine line we’re walking between how much we can treat the cancer and how much his body can handle. There’s a very real question of – if we can attack this cancer, can his body heal? We’re running on prayer, hope, and desperation.

Ezra was supposed to start radiation today (well, that was the schedule from last week) to the tumor on his eye, but in order to get radiation he has to be sedated, and he is in no condition to be sedated now. No dr would even try – his breathing and O2 is low, platelets are very low meaning if he DID stop breathing during anesthesia they couldn’t intubate without an extremely high risk of bleeding as I’ve said before. The tumor is growing fast on his eye and is visibly slightly larger each morning. We are praying the chemo will attack this tumor on his eye as well as the 2 in his lungs to give him some comfort.

As an interesting side note, in October alone this site has had nearly 100,000 page views – an incredible amount of traffic. You’re an army. We want to thank all of you personally for praying, reading, and helping in so many ways. You guys are all incredible and we are humbled by your attention.

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    • We are God’s army and your son is a warrior. We will continue to stay and pray! Fight little man, we love you!! Shield your and yours with our Lord, for He is mighty.

    • Praying for a miracle for this little man. God hear our prayers. Heal this little angel of yours. I pray for strength for this family. God hear my prayer.

  1. We are all praying for you, Ezra, Robyn, Kyle! We are crying out to GOD in your favor and are holding strong to hope, prayer and for a MIRACLE. They do happen and we are praying that one is in store for Ezra, soon! We are with you all in spirit. XOXO The Amerson Family

  2. We will keep checking, keep praying, keep fighting, and keep praising until Ezra is whole and healed! We will not be shaken. Hang in there, guys, God hasn’t given up and neither will we.

  3. I cant imagine the amount of strength and courage it takes from a parent to see your child go through this. You are both an inspiration to us all. We will continue to pray for you. Much hugs!! God Bless.

  4. I found your website through the Layla Grace foundation and I am praying so hard for your family. Every prayer helps!!!

  5. I heard about you from the Layla Grace Foundation facebbok page; my family has been praying for Ezra and your family since haring about you all.
    We will keep the prayers going.

  6. I saw a post about praying for Ezra on Erika Anderson’s wall via facebook. I went to high school with you Kyle and am so sorry to hear about all your family is going through. I’m praying along with everyone else. Kudos for being an incredible advocate in your son’s care and treatment plan. We are all rooting for Ezra, what a tough little man!

  7. Proud to be a part of the army. You are being surrounded in prayer and I pray that you feel that in these moments. Trusting our Almighty God for a miracle. Though I’ve never met you, you all have impacted me for a lifetime. Thank you

  8. God doesn’t build an army for nothing. If He is calling all of us to prayer, then He must have something BIG He is getting ready to unleash!! Let this renew your strength, hope, and determination!!

  9. our prayers are with you both…wish there was more we could do…my heart goes out to you all and through this season in life!
    God bless you in all you do!

  10. I heard about you and your family from the Layla Grace Foundation and just wanted to send hugs n prayers to lil Ezra. I hope you find comfort and strength during this time and know that there are MANY people praying for your precious lil boy!! STAY STRONG and lean on each other!

  11. we will not stop praying and believing for a miracle. And realizing each and every day God gives ALL of us with our loved ones is a true gift.

  12. Kyle and Robyn….we are proud to be a part of The Matthews Army! Thank you for including us in your life and updating us so often even when it probably takes your all to type out some of the things you have! You are blessing us! I envision the sight of thousands upon thousands of prayers with sweet Ezra’s name being lifted up to the Heavens is an amazing sight. The entire earth and heavens has “Ezra” being cryed out, whispered and spoken. Can’t wait to watch him be healed!

  13. Robyn, Kyle, Ezra and Charley…you are not alone…we are all praying for your family..we are your biggest cheerleaders…we are praying for Ezra’s healing….((HUGS))

  14. You guys do not know me, but a friend of mine posted your story on their facebook and I was immediatly drawn to it. My heart hurts for your whole family, especially little Ezra. I have checked this site and your other site numerous times today in hopes for some good information. Little Ezra is such a fighter along with his little brother. What wonderful parents you guys are. Stay Strong and know Little Ezra has touched the lives of soo many people across this nation. Hopeful/Praying on the East Coast<3 Ellen

  15. Coming along side of you in agreement. Let Ezra continue to tolerate the chemo, let his platlets increase, let his heart maintain proper rythm all in Jesus Name!!! We praise you God!

  16. Our family is joining your Army for Ezra. We are praying for him and your family. We pray that the Lord will touch this child and heal him.
    “Grace, mercy, and peace will be with us, from God the Father and from Jesus Christ the Father’s Son, in truth and love.”
    2 John 1:3


  17. Hi I found your website on Facebook. I am praying for the mercy of God to be lavishly poured out on your family and that Ezra would grow up to be the mighty man of God that he is obviously called to be! May the Lord blow a refreshing wind over you all wherever you are right now. Bless you

  18. Kyle & Robyn,
    Been praying all day, all night and waiting for an update this morning on our precious warrior, EZRA. Your battle is being fought and walked through by thousands of us on our knees with our hearts open to God’s answer. Our faith is being rekindled, reorganized and re-energized, as we join with you. We love you.

  19. We were emailed a link to your website via a friend and our hearts have been touched. We wanted you to know that we are praying so very hard for complete healing and God’s will to be done. Remember that God is in control and he has something BIG planned. Thank you for your faith. We are proud to be part of the Matthews Warriors. Bless you.

  20. He is an awesome God we serve.. I will pray and continue to pray Ezra and your family. He is Gods warrior and as servers of Gods work it is our duty to pray and BELIEVE. God is with you in your every step. God knows your hearts desires and He promised to fulfill. Luv from my family to your family. God Bless

  21. I just saw your site, and pray for REST, peace and comfort to you all in the name of Jesus. You have been through so very much already. I am declaring the healing power of the blood of Jesus over this baby and your lives. Continue to draw on what the Lord has done and we will praise God in this storm for who He is; praise leads to such utter trust and it is our faith that pleases Him, as you know. May the Holy Spirit pour out abundant grace and mercy and healing to you all.

  22. Your family has been an inspiration since we crossed paths in the ACH NICU. Am praying for Ezra’s healing. I know God is hearing this army’s petition. Thank you for sharing your journey.

  23. I’ve not heard about your family until I saw your blog on Facebook this evening. As I sit here sobbing, I can’t even begin to imagine what you are going though. I will be praying for you all and will definitely put your family on our prayer chain at church to spread the prayers even further. Ezra is such a little fighter and it is so amazing to see his little smile even after all he has been through. May the Lord continue to give you strength and courage as you continue on your journey. God bless.

  24. I am keeping you ALL in prayer… I was overwhelmingly moved by your story and all of the things you are going through. God will uplift your spirits and keep you strong, God is with & comforts Ezra during this time in his sweet life, and God’s grace on your other little bundle who’s had a rough start as well. God is standing beside you every moment and you are surrounded with prayer and love. God’s Army is a powerful one indeed. May you feel the prayers and be comforted.