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    • I do not know your family, however I had a friend go through this with their son. I want you all to know I am praying for peace for your family and of course that God will lay his healing hands on your precious little guy. He appears to be quite the fighter. I truely hope they get a cure for this TERRIBLE disease. Much love and thoughts to you all.

  1. Fight Ezra, fight!!! You can overcome this! We are all praying for you sweet angel. “If thou wilt diligently hearken to the voice of the LORD thy God, and wilt do that which is right in his sight, and wilt give ear to his commandments, and keep all his statutes, I will put none of these diseases upon thee, which I have brought upon the Egyptians: for I am the LORD that healeth thee.” Father, You say in Your Word that healing is the Children’s bread. Please heal Ezra’s cancer and make it go away. In Jesus name,Amen.

  2. You do not know me Ezra but I am praying for you little guy. FIGHT little man with all your might. God please take ahold of this sweet little angel and heal him.

  3. Your story breaks my heart. This may be odd and you can say no, however, I found out about Ezra last night through a Facebook friend and have been praying and checking your page frequently all day. I live in Winter Park (about 20 minutes away from Arnold Palmer) with my husband and two boys. I just read your post in which you mention that the hotel you are staying in is outrageously expensive. I have a guest room with a queen bed that you are more then welcome to use if you would like. I know I’m a complete stranger so this is totally your decision. You can contact me at gekbatani@gmail.com. My thoughts and prayers are with Ezra and your family.

  4. With our Great Physician in God, there is nothing He cannot do. I pray in Jesus name for little Ezra to be healed and for the family to have the miracle they have been praying for. Amen

  5. Ezra, you have an unreal amount of people that love you so very much and a heavenly Father who loves you even more and is at your side carrying you through this! Can you feel Him? 🙂 We are praying for you non-stop! We can’t wait to witness God heal your precious body! 🙂

  6. Visions of children fighting cancer…not anything a parent or anyone for that matter, EVER wants to see. The picture of mom in the bed w/ Ezra is heart-wrenching. As a parent, all we want is to love and protect our children…against anything and anyone. My heart aches for you Ezra, and your family that most certainly feels so helpless against this horrible disease.

    I don’t know your family, but I do know God. I pray that He heals your little warrior body, and restores you to health so that you may continue to receive his blessings and your parents love. Stay strong <3

  7. Lord please watch over and protect this baby. Let him beat this. He is a fighter and will not give up. We are all praying for you, and I know in my heart you can beat it. Amen

  8. Continue to fight, Ezra, for no weapon formed against you will prosper! You are a survivor and Jesus is your Great Physician. I love you and am fighting with you and for you.

  9. Praying for complete Healing and a perfect miracle. Lord wrap your arms around this child and breathe life into him and comfort for his family.

  10. I do not know you or your family, but my family is praying SO hard for you and your little Ezra. We have a 2 year old also, and I can’t imagine what you are walking through right now, but we have been praying non-stop. May God be with you and hold your hand through this time. Much love and God Bless.

  11. Ezra – I was introduced to your amazing story through Facebook. You are so strong! and so are your Mom and Dad! And the best part is, they know the Healer. We all do, and we are praying for you like crazy.

    My favorite verse in the Bible is Isaiah 40:31 – “But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint”

    That is what I pray for you, sweet boy. that you keep fighting. And after you beat this thing, that you will grow, and play and run…and that you won’t be weary.

    Little dude, you are awesome….but as awesome as you are, our God is so much more awesome. We are waiting on you, Lord….to heal Ezra.

  12. I don’t know you guys personally, but you are part of the body of Christ. I started following your blog via a facebook link that a friend posted. All I can say is I think and pray for Ezra and you both so often, how much more must Jesus who knows you intimately, loves you perfectly, intercede.
    The rest of us can only trust “that in the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express.” I’m groaning for you guys!!

  13. Almighty God bless Baby Ezra. . Comfort and heal him. He’s a fighter. Let’s see your amazing Grace breathe a healthy life into Sweet Little Ezra. We are alll believing in a miracle. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

  14. Having had first hand experience with my baby fighting for life my heart aches for you ,your son and your family. But I have also seen first hand the power of prayer . Know that one more person is praying tonight !

  15. Thank you Kyle for posting this picture 🙂 We love you Ezra and continue asking God to remove the cancer from your precious body!!! Sleep tight!!!

  16. Beautiful, beautiful Ezra…fight little buddy!! We are lifting your name up to Him…still staying and praying!! Reveal yourself Lord, and let it be your will for a miracle. We love you Ezra!!

  17. I hope that you are able to catch a little rest. I pray that you feel the love of Jesus and that you know He is holding Ezra in the palm of His hand.
    Praying, praying, and asking for others to pray.

  18. I have came across your blog via a facebook friend. All that your family has been through is heartbreaking, but I can feel your strength & trust in the Lord with each post and it is truly inspiring. I am praying that God completely heals your precious baby boy so that you may be able to use this as a testimony. With man it is impossible..but with God all things are possible.

  19. Kyle-

    Do you have an account established where we could help financially? Ezra’s story and struggle has touched us deeply and we would like to help.


  20. Praying earnestly for sweet little Ezra and your whole family. May God give you strength and courage. May He give you and Ezra comfort!!!

  21. Kyle and family- we met years ago when you were the worship leader at Tims Memorial Presbyterian Church, and I was the youth pastor. I just want you to know I am praying for you and your whole family, God will provide. Please reach out to this community around you if you need anything. In Christ- TJ

  22. I’m praying, praying, praying for your sweet Ezra to be healed and comforted during this time. My heart truly breaks for what you are enduring, and I pray for the Lord to be your Rock and strength during this most difficult and trying time. We are called to mourn with those who mourn. I mourn with you and rejoice with you knowing that Ezra belongs to the Lord, and no matter what, God has a good plan for his life. I know it’s not been a painless plan, but God works EVERYTHING for the good of those who love Him. Father in Heaven, please shower your grace, strength and love on the Matthews and keep them in Your perfect peace today. My heart is with each of you!

  23. My contact in Berlin said we need to go through an international pharmacy with a U.S script as well. Im so sorry I wanted to help so very badly..
    My God please keep baby Ezra pain free while details are still bieng worked out,,,Fight mighty warrior fight! angel of mercy come down bless this baby and his family! with love and NONSTOP prayer your sister in christ

  24. Continually praying for comfort & healing for sweet little Ezra… continually praying for peace & strength for mom & dad & baby Charlie… continually praying for wisdom for the doctors… continually praying for a miraculous blessing from our Great & Mighty Father God… continually praying in the name of Jesus.

  25. Your family and little Ezra has been on my mind and in my prayers all day. Passing along your story and asking for more people here in Cincinnati to pray…

  26. Your prayer warriors are with you and sweet little Ezra. I’ve sent your website link to praying friends in CO, TX, AZ, IA, CA, PA, IL and here in FL. We’re all claiming victory and complete healing for baby Ezra! May God place a hedge of protection, healing and strength around your family in the name of Jesus, Our Lord and Savior. Amen.

  27. We are friends of Heather and David Blanford who lost their son Daxton About 5 months ago. They shared your story with us and we will pray for your family daily. May god give you all peace, strength and comfort in these times. Hang in their little one!

  28. I am praying so much for your sweet baby boy. I pray God’s mercy and grace to be everpresent in all of his treatments. He will never leave you nor forsake you, and He will always be there with His arms open wide to give you rest. God bless each of you!!

  29. My Thoughts an Prayers go out to ur family at this time.. I pray that Ezra makes it through like a fighting champ..

    May God heal him from this battle..

    Fight the battle Ezra, U can do it.. U have a little brother Charlie that needs u in his life along with ur parents..

    With many Prayers from Ill..

  30. Father God, we come before you and Continue to ask that your perfect and pleasing will be Done.Bring comfort and peace to little Ezra who without being more than a beautiful little boy is already an amazing warrior!! In the mighty name of Jesus, we petition for a miracle, a FULL healing Lord, for both boys.We are standing in faith that you will hear your peoples cries and answer them Lord. I also ask for strength and peace and comfort for kyle and robyn as they endure this trial, Lord support them and give them rest for their bodies as they also go through this fight!
    in the name of Jesus AMEN

    Our God is an amazing God and his ways are just. (though sometimes inexplainable) Stay encouraged, you already know thousands of people are praying. All it takes is faith the size of a mustard seed, right? I know you guys are fighting with all you have and our prayers follow after you!! Be brave!!