in General


Well, we just signed the papers to dispense the Nifurtimox to Ezra, and he’ll be getting his first dose this evening. Whew – that was a long battle involving chatting with dozens of countries, doctors, FDA, research coordinators, and Bayer, the drug company themselves. Huge props to Dr Sholler in Vermont and Dr Levy in Orlando as well as all their staff in assisting us to make this happen.

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  1. God is so great and able! Thank you, God be the glory! Looking forward to the posts to come saying his miracle is here! Still praying…
    Ephesians 3:20-21

  2. I don’t think I have left a comment on here…but I have been following your family for a short time since I learned of you. You are all in my prayers and thoughts. Love from Kansas!

    • We will be praying as Ezra receives this medication that GOD will be working miracles through it.That Ezra will be healed!!! Praying harder and more than I ever have & spreading the word to keep praying for The Matthews Family!!! Today is a good day!

  3. WOO HOO!!! Holden and I were caiming it would cme tonight and not Monday and PRAISE THE LORD it is here! MIRACLES are in progress do not disturb. We pray right now God continues his works in Ezra and restores him to new as though he were never ill and never had to fight the horrible fight! We clam this Lord in your name! Thank you Holy Father! AMEN!!!

  4. So very happy to see this post! Miracles are happening and we will take them in small doses if that is how they are being delivered. God is Great! I will continue to pray that God will lay His Almighty Hands on Ezra and Heal him from head to toe and every little cell in between. We have been fasting & praying today for Ezra and will continue all weekend and longer if needed! Please Father keep the miracles coming! We thank you Lord for your Love and Mercy! In your Holy name we pray and Praise you! Blessings~ Jennifer

  5. I am so happy! Please dear god let this medication help Ezra! And thank you for helping Kyle and Robyn go the right direction to get it!

  6. Nice to see that you were able to make progress with this drug/trial. Praying for you all and for Ezra’s healing. God Bless!

  7. Today in my Bible Study we were talking about Daniel in the Lions’ Den. In Dan. 6:17 it says, “a stone was placed over the mouth of the den, and the king sealed it with his own ring…so that Daniel’s situation might not be changed.” Just like with Jesus’ death, when they put him in the tomb and rolled the stone in front, they thought the situation would never change. O, hallelujah!! We NEVER EVER have a situation that God cannot change!!! Thank you, God!!!

  8. I’m beyond happy for you at this moment now that you are getting this medicine for Ezra. I will continue to keep you in my thoughts and prayers, and will especially pray that this medicine will help your dear little son.

  9. Never have I been drawn into a life like this. I pray and continue to pray, whole day long for Ezra and everyone involved in his life. Wishing and hoping are not strong enough … I feel a need to stand strong with you and to believe for the miracle that awaits Ezra. Whatever form it will take … I am looking for that what God has ordained for this young life. My heart is with you guys! And most of all … God is with you!

  10. Jenny Netjes has kept us updated here at YWAM orlando…please know we are praying specifically and intensely for Erza! Praising God that you all could start the drug and will continue to praise God for what He is doing in Erza’s life and through your testimony!

  11. Yeah!!!!! We are so happy for Ezra and the family. Placing our faith in God that He will use this medicine to perform many miracles. We are EXPECTING a miracle!♥

  12. Praise God – He is working miracles already! Who would believe a overseas med would arrive so soon! Watching a talk on nitrofurimox in NB with Dr. Sholler (youtube). Praying God continues to lay hands on Ezra & surround you guys with a realness of His Spirit working through Ezra.

  13. I recently heard about your family through the Layla Grace Foundation, I have been praying for your miracle, please God let this be it.

  14. Glory be to God for the answer to prayer and I pray that God WILL work through this…

    Praise God, from Whom all blessings flow;
    Praise Him, all creatures here below;
    Praise Him above, ye Heavenly Host;
    Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen.

    Thanks to the folks involved for listening to our petitions for Ezra to be able to receive this drug. Thanks MOST to JESUS for answered prayer and for allowing God to be glorified through this… Again, remember… one way or another… EZRA WILL WIN…

  15. Again, Thanks to the staff and all involved for making this happen… Thank you God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit… Prayer with Expectation… Amen!

  16. praying that it will help kick cancers butt…..your lil ezra is a beaut…i have used his photo as my fb photo to help generate some more awareness…prayers…. hope that is you all and am very sorry your lil boy has to go through this! may God hold your family close to His heart and heal lil ezra….God can we see just one miracle for these kids…..please let this one live!! In Jesus Name we claim healing for this lil guy healing rain fall upon our brother in Christ who need you to intervein on his behalf! May God keep you safe and warm and in comfort and peace abound you!

  17. Dear Matthew- family!
    I am very happy to hear that you got the meds.I’ m in Germany and a friend asked me to investigate it too in order to help you.
    Today I pray that you run this race in full assurance that the “Lord-who-sees” is for you and embraces you and that He has not forgotten you and He loves your whole family and that he never will leave you!
    God bless you- cling yourself to Him- He is your Hope! Greetings from gErmany, Sarah

  18. Praise God!!! Thank you, thank you, thank you . . . Still praying and will not stop! Our God is an awesome God and his love for all of us is incredible!!!

  19. I am praising God for giving us these miracles of working all the details out for precious Ezra! I am also praising God for the ultimate miracle to come! We are sending love your way and praying alwayssssss! 🙂

  20. We are praising God with you guys!! If our God is for us, who can be against us?? N-n-n-n-no-nobody!

    Our fasting and praying is yielding fruit already!

  21. Isaiah 49:23 “I am the LORD; those who hope in me will not be disappointed.”

    I am still believing God for a huge miracle in Ezra and hoping that this medication is just the beginning!!

  22. What I wish I could have captured in this photo was Robyn’s HUGE SMILE! Priceless!

    So grateful for the renewed hope this brings.

    Now, may it work!!! Amen!

  23. I have been drawn in by this little man and the love of God. The whole world needs a miracle and may God be the glory through this one. “For where two or three are gathered together in My name,
    I am there in the midst of them.”
    Matthew 18:20


  • Making a Difference – Giving Away $30,000 from 2011 | Because of Ezra October 23, 2010

    […] first met Dr Sholler when working through Ezra’s treatment in Orlando, in October of 201o. She was working on a trial of a drug called Nifurtimox (now in Phase II) in treating neuroblastoma […]