in General


Sorry for the lack of updates – I woke up this morning to a couple dozen messages from various avenues essentially saying “what is going on?!?!?! no updates??!?! how is Ezra?!?!?!?! fool of a Took!?!?!?!” I haven’t posted anything these past few days because… well, it’s been the same as the last update, so I didn’t want to bore you. Of course there’s plenty going on mentally and emotionally that’s enough to fill a book, but… well, you can buy the book. 😉

Generally you can tell the feel of the content of an update I post by the opening paragraph. Better moods translate to more humor, introspective to philosophical, sad to blunt. Today is a good day so far.

Ezra still hasn’t eaten in nearly 2 weeks, and hasn’t spoken in a few days. This morning Robyn and I noticed he was tracking us with his eyes (he hasn’t kept his eyes open for more than a couple seconds in days) for decent amounts of time. We decided to give him a sponge bath, and as we were doing that he threw up a few times – which he hasn’t done this whole time either. It seemed like he actually felt better after – he was looking around even more.

Since he seemed to be feeling better, we decided to put Winnie the Pooh on the iPad and let him watch it in the bed. Right now, he’s in Pooh’s corner watching it with eye wide open and has been for over an hour – and remember, before, he hadn’t had his eyes open for more than a couple seconds in a week. He still isn’t talking, and is extremely weak. But this is progress – the dr was 99% sure last Monday Ezra wouldn’t make it a few days, he was that bad.

For all the flurry and hurry to try and get that Nifurtimox (which we did get), he has only taken 2 doses of the 6 or 7 we’ve tried. He still can’t really swallow, and he is so out of it he just doesn’t take it. You can’t force a kid, much as we’ve tried – it just dribbles out of his mouth most of the time. We’re hoping today will improve that outcome since he seems to be doing a little better now.

The question now becomes if this chemo’s affect will last long enough to let his body heal itself – if you’re looking for direction in your prayers, pray that. He had a great response to his last round of chemo in September, but we were to this point within a few weeks of him recovering from that round of chemo. Prayerfully he will get to a place now where we can get his eye radiated (the tumor has gone down ever so slightly – but it’s still blocking him from seeing anything, and must be painful from pressing against his skull), and get him to start taking this Nifurtimox regularly.

Please keep praying – Ezra IS doing better.

We’ve had an incredible response to Ezra’s story. This blog has had over 230,000 page views from over 55,000 visitors this month alone. That’s not even counting the CarePages (I like the blog better though 😉 ). It’s been humbling to see the hundreds of daily emails, comments, Twitter comments, Facebook messages, and other methods of support coming in. Please keep spreading the story – we fully plan on starting something to fight this stupid disease when we have a more stable situation with Ezra, and all this attention now will translate well into a giant social hammer to swing. Neuroblastoma is a punk, and get’s very little attention and funding compared to many other cancers. Many other childhood cancers are the same way – yet they’re killing our children. This has to be stopped – families shouldn’t have to feel this much pain. I know we’ve changed for the better through and because of this past year, but it hasn’t been worth the cost.

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  1. when you give him the medicine, try lightly blowing on his face. their natural reflex is to swallow. it’s a little trick i learned from a baby nurse. i’ve seen it work. worth a try.

  2. I’m sending prayers your way. I hope the Lord wraps your little one in a bubble of healing. Please know we are thinking about your family down here in Texas.

  3. Keep fighting tough guy! Your ARMY is still praying for the chemo to work and for your little body to heal! Lots of love.

    The Wagners

  4. I’m so happy to hear he is showing signs of improvement… however slight they may be! The fact that he’s awake and watching Winnie the Pooh makes me so happy! We will keep praying and continue keeping you all very much in our thoughts.

  5. kyle: thanks for the directives on prayer, we all need that! 🙂 continuing to pray and its so sweet to see him watching Pooh
    hugs to you and Robyn, stay strong and can imagine u feel drained! we’re with you in future plans to kick Neuroblastoma’s hiney! love the Powell Family

  6. I dare say we ALL have changed for the better for knowing your story… for seeing your life, really. For Ezra’s life. You guys make me want to be a better person, a better wife, a better mom, a better friend. It’s totally a revival of the Holy Spirit and for the Kingdom. I’ve said it on FB already, but I beleive with all that I have that Ezra will tell this story one day and how much more will that be for the glory of God! Thank you again for your transparency and your commitment to let the Lord use you in such a powerful, albeit painful, way.

    We aren’t done praying….

    The Billos

  7. This little boy IS a fighter and we are going to fighter right along side him with our prayers. I have passed your story along to anyone and everyone who will listen pleading for prayers. If its an army we need – then an army we shall get!! Dear sweet Ezra…keep on fighting little buddy because we are here for you and miracles DO happen!!

  8. so happy to get this update and even more happy to see him watching winnie the pooh! I get tears every time I read your words as I am completely wrapping my prayers around your precious child and walking in this pain with you all. Thank you, Father God, for the encouraging improvements, though they be baby steps, they are warmth for our hearts and hope for our prayers.

  9. How can we be bored? We WANT to know! We care, we pray, we are hopeful for any positive news. Your words have a sense of peace today….much love and prayers to Ezra.

  10. Well, since he is in “Pooh Corner” that means we all are cause we are all in his corner!! And more than that, we are in God’s Corner and He is our GREAT Physician and the Maker of Miracles. I have kept up a steady prayer even when I don’t hear from you and I thank our Mighty and Powerful God for each and every step that Ezra takes in the right direction. AMEN!!

  11. Kyle, if & when you write a book I will buy it!;0) We are still praying & going strong! I touch the computer screen where Ezra’s picture is & pray. Hold him if you can, kiss him,talk to him & tell him we all love him! Thank you for keeping us informed. Honestly, Ezra invades most of my thoughts throughout the day & whenever he does I pray! (& I think ALOT!) Stay strong! Thanks for the update!

  12. What an absolutely beautiful little boy, and what beautiful parents. I don’t have the words to say how I feel about all of you, especially little Ezra. I can’t even begin to imagine how I would cope with this situation, yet here you are, thoughtful enough to consider the people following your story. I haven’t prayed in a long time, but I’m now praying with all my might for Ezra. Please God, please give this wonderful family the miracle they so richly deserve. You are an inspiration both as parents and as human beings. And your little boy is a precious gift to all of us. God bless you all and lots of love and best wishes to Ezra. From Therese in Ireland

  13. I am SO glad to hear Ezra is doing a bit better. Please keep us posted as to when he has his scans. I think that would be the best time for God to perform His miracle! Have Ezra go in for his scans and have to tumors disappear one by one and leave no traces but the shock of the techs and doctors faces as they will not get it till you say. God has our back and we give Him praise. PRAISE GOD! I still pray that his platelets come up and sta up. Total healing is what I am praing for no doubt!

  14. Yay, yay, yay!!! Yesterday I was in an MRI machine praying for Ezra. Our God is sooo good and I know that this will be a story of victory. I had specifically prayed for his little eyes to open up, to show signs that he is there and ready to keep up the fight…and he is!!! Right now as I am typing this I can just imagine him with his little fists up in the air with the Rocky song playing around him :o) Many hugs and love to you all.

  15. I have just started to follow your blog when a friend told me about it…I am so sorry for what you are going through!! My youngest is a little boy about the same age as Ezra 🙂 I wanted to let you know we are praying down here in Tampa FL and I have asked friends to join me in Prayer and Fasting this Thursday b/c the Bible says when 2 or more people gather together in HIS name He is here among us!! Matthew 18:19-20 🙂 Keep hanging on!! Much love coming your way!! By the way Ezra is a beautiful little boy 🙂

  16. my sweet Jesus!! hallelujah!!! I will remain in prayer and fasting for more advancement in his health!! miracles baby!! miracles!! BABY EZRA is GODS MIRACLE!!Continue the fight mighty warrior!!

  17. What a privilege it is to pray for your family! I’ll continue to pray for Ezra and you all. You’ve captured the hearts and attention of so many while on this journey, and I pray that we’ll continue to see signs of healing and restoration. We’re praying for strength, peace, healing and overwhelming comfort for you all. FIGHT ON, EZRA!

  18. PRAISE GOD!!! Please do keep us updated – I love him so much – as my own – through my tears I pray and through my smiles when he is doing better I pray… I will pray that the effects of this chemo last long and strong enough for his little body to heal and the Nifurtimox takes hold and helps the whole process…all the way to complete healing!!!

  19. Your story has touched my heart so deeply. I never would have thought it possible to care so much for someone I have never met or had any contact with. I think of Ezra constantly throughtout the day and pray for him everytime he enters my thoughts. I can honestly say I have never prayed so hard for anything or anyone in my life. Thank you for sharing your story, you have really helped me to put things in perspective. It’s funny how the day to day struggles I face suddenly don’t seem so important anymore. “WIth man this is impossible, but with God, all things are possible.”

  20. Praise God!!!! We will ocntinue to pray continually for the chemo’s effect to last long enough for his little body to rest and heal. God is good! It is amazing how such a small child can rally people to praise God like he is! Rest in Jesus’ loving arms because He promised He will NEVER leave you.

  21. SO thankful for God’s faithfulness! My family and I continue to pray and we will not stop! Our love to you and your family <3

  22. Kyle and Robyn,

    You are being held up by so many people whom you don’t even know…but they know you and hearts are filled with love for you, our brother and sister in Christ. And we hold Ezra in our hearts and souls…continually…and just pray like mad.

    Dawn & Mike Dneaster

  23. Ezra is so beautiful. Thank you for the update. I’m still praying like crazy for your family. Your story has given me so much hope. Sending lots of love and prayers your way!

  24. *BIGGEST smile on my face!!* it’s so good to see him with his eyes open! As hard as it may be, try to stay positvie! It will help him heal! It seems like a positive outlook is the closest thing to a cure for cancer 🙂

  25. Praise God! You have changed so many peoples lives by your story! You’re story will NEVER bore us, it will always and forever inspire us in Every aspect of life!
    I love how you put that the Dr.s were 99 % sure that he would have only lasted a few days, but God is 100% sure in everything He does and look what He has done thus far!
    God bless you and your glorious family! We still pray and think about all of you all day long… Yesterday, oddly enough Hunter was singing to baby Ezra while he was off in ” la la land” . Never will we stop thinking of you…. Never…

  26. Praise the Lord!!! I have been checking in everyday (probably more like every hour) checking for an update here or on your twitter! Was so happy when I saw the photograph of him opening his eyes! I continue to have Ezra and your family on my mind and pray every time! Pray with NO DOUBT as James tells us! I prayed this morning that He would give you a sign of hope. He has! I know like others have stated that God is going to pull you all through this and it will be a great testimony! I have prayed the DRs involved will be not only be wise but also be amazed at the Glory of Gods healing! Thank you for the update and the specific prayer requests.I am actually a mother of a sick child (not cancer, she has a blood disease that only affects 4000 children) I know how it is to be desperate and do anything for your child. I also know what prayers can do!

    Hang in there we are lifting your arms so God will win this battle.

    Stupid Cancer you have no chance! 😉

  27. My twin sister and I were directed to your blog from a friend of a friend of yours. Thank you for sharing your story with the world and know that I am praying constantly for your precious Ezra.

  28. Although we don’t know each other personally, once I heard about Ezra, his beautiful face hasn’t left my mind. From a parent to another, my heart breaks for you. But I know that God is good ALWAYS! And he has never left your side or will leave Ezra’s side, ever! Praise God for even the smallest of miracles, for where God is present, anything is possible. Ezra, we love you!

  29. Yeah for your post and seeing his precious eyes open. I pray they remain this way! God is good all the time and I know he is working that out in Ezra day by day. Patience is oh so hard for us as parents as we want everything to be fixed on our timing and the Lord teaches us different… wait. So we wait upon the Lord to heal his little body day by day. Thank you for your post. I like everyone was so concerned of the silence. I hope Ezra is still busy watching his movies and making you wait on him because he continues to be awake. Much love to your family!


  31. I’ve been following your blog for about a month now since a friend of a friend of yours sent it to me. Your little boy certainly has touched my heart. Having two little boys of my own, I have cried with you and prayed for you every single day. Our God is mighty to save. Keep fighting, Ezra.

  32. Go Ezra! Improvement is improvement whether slight or not. So glad to hear that he is improving. The power of prayer is real!

  33. Our God is Good!!! Still praying for Ezra to be healed and healthy. Lord embrace Sweet Ezra and show us how you make miracles happen. I believe! In Jesus’ name. Amen.

  34. Thank you for the update because though I have been praying for Ezra and your entire family being specific in prayer is a great thing! I could not have been more excited to see Ezra watching Pooh Bear God is good…..We love you all and will continue to fight this war through prayer. 100% whole in mind, body and spirit in Jesus name!

  35. I am SO happy to see those beautiful eyes of Ezra open and alert as he watches Winnie the Pooh. You are all constantly in my thoughts and prayers and I will continue prayers for complete healing, comfort, strength, and peace for Ezra. Thank you Kyle and Robyn for taking the time to update all of us “stranger friends”. Much love and peace to you all. XOXOXO

  36. Ecstatic at this update! Now we will continue to pray for swallowing of the medicine and continued healing. Little Ezra has impacted so many people! I don’t know him personally but am moved as if he were my own. You both as parents are such an inspiration! May God continue to direct your path and increase your strength!

  37. I don’t personally know you, but I go to school with a friend of yours Katie. One day we were talking and your families story came up, since that day I have been asking her for updates She sent me the website and here I am. I have been praying for Ezra to remain the strong little fighter he is and for your family. When I read your updates my eyes tear up and I get goosebumps and I know he will fight and come out of this on top. Never lose faith. Miracles really do happen.
    FIGHT ON little Ezra, we are all in your corner.

  38. Praise the Lord! Any improvement is an answer prayer!! Still praying- going to send out more emails. When two or three are gathered… well… Lord we have hundreds and we are waiting on you to move in a powerful way!

  39. Praise the Lord! I’m so happy to hear of Ezra’s improvement however small it might be, I’ll take it! I pray that today is the day that Ezra is able to swallow a couple doses of Nifurtimox so that it can really start speeding his recovery along. Ezra is constantly on my mind and in my prayers. I am so thankful for this news, thanks for posting!

  40. Dear Matthews family, Yes, Lord we r waiting for you to move in a powerful way & restore Ezra to his perfect body you created when Ezra was born. Thank you Lord that his little eyes r open & there is improvement in his condition! Please know that the prayer chain @ Valley Assembly here in Spokane is praying for a miracle for Precious Ezra!!

    Caryl & Ron (Erik’s parents)

  41. Praise the Lord!!!!!! You DO have so much support, but I know for my family, we won’t stop trying to get more and more…for extra prayers, blessings on family’s by sharing Ezra’s story and getting the word out on this nasty cancer! We love you guys…know that, even though we don’t KNOW each other!!! I will not slow my praying down. I’m praising our Loving God for the work He is going to do and is doing and for improving Ezra’s health even if only a little! Every little bit is good and complete healing will start somewhere….I have a feeling IT IS HERE 🙂 Stay strong… oxox

  42. I think that would be an amazing thing to do…educate people about this form of cancer.

    My family and I lost my sister from brain cancer when she was 6 years old back in 1993. There was little education for that form of cancer but the truth is that it really is more common in children than adults which is horrible because it is killing our children. There has been more recent education about brain cancer awareness which I think is awesome.

    I never heard of the cancer that Ezra is going through until I heard your story…educating people would be a great way to make people be aware of this disease and possibly help make a cure for it or even something to help prolong the life of the child and help them live comfortably.

    My family and I will continue to pray for you and your family…please know that my family and I know what you are experiencing. Although I know that does not ease the pain, maybe it just helps to know that people out there understand. God bless!!!!

  43. Continuing to pray for continued healing, improvement and a miracle. Dear Lord, please restore Ezra’s little body to what it was when u created him as a perfect being @ birth. Thank u for todays report that Ezra is showing signs of improvement. All of us @ Valley Assem. in Spokane r holding Ezra & his family up in prayer.

    Caryl & Ron Harm (Erik’s parents)

  44. This is a story written by a doctor who worked in Africa.
    One night I had worked hard to help a mother in the labor ward; but in spite of all we could do, she died, leaving us with a tiny, premature baby and a crying two-year-old daughter. We would have difficulty keeping the baby alive; as we had no incubator (we had no electricity to run an incubator).

    We also had no special feeding facilities. Although we lived on the equator, nights were often chilly with treacherous drafts. One student midwife went for the box we had for such babies and the cotton wool that the baby would be wrapped in.

    Another went to stoke up the fire and fill a hot water bottle. She came back shortly in distress to tell me that in filling the bottle, it had burst (rubber perishes easily in tropical climates)..
    ‘And it is our last hot water bottle!’ she exclaimed. As in the West, it is no good crying over spilled milk, so in Central Africa it might be considered no good crying over burst water bottles. They do not grow on trees, and there are no drugstores down forest pathways.

    ‘All right,’ I said, ‘put the baby as near the fire as you safely can, and sleep between the baby and the door to keep it free from drafts Your job is to keep the baby warm.’

    The following noon, as I did most days, I went to have prayers with any of the orphanage children who chose to gather with me. I gave the youngsters various suggestions of things to pray about and told them about the tiny baby. I explained our problem about keeping the baby warm enough,mentioning the hot water bottle, and that the baby could so easily die if it got chills. I also told them of the two-year-old sister, crying because her mother had died.

    During prayer time, one ten -year-old girl, Ruth, prayed with the usual blunt conciseness of our African children. ‘Please, God’ she prayed, ‘Send us a hot water bottle today It’ll be no good tomorrow, God, as the baby will be dead, so please send it this afternoon.’

    While I gasped inwardly at the audacity of the prayer, she added, ‘And while You are about it, would You please send a dolly for the little girl so she’ll know You really love her?’

    As often with children’s prayers, I was put on the spot. Could I honestly say ‘Amen?’ I just did not believe that God could do this.

    Oh, yes, I know that He can do everything; the Bible says so. But there are limits, aren’t there? The only way God could answer this particular prayer would be by sending me a parcel from the homeland. I had been in Africa for almost four years at that time, and I had never, ever, received a parcel from home.

    Anyway, if anyone did send me a parcel, who would put in a hot water bottle? I lived on the equator!

    Halfway through the afternoon, while I was teaching in the nurses’ training school, a message was sent that there was a car at my front door. By the time I reached home, the car had gone, but there on the verandah was a large 22-pound parcel. I felt tears pricking my eyes. I could not open the parcel alone, so I sent for the orphanage children.. Together we pulled off the string, carefully undoing each knot. We folded the paper, taking care not to tear it unduly Excitement was mounting. Some thirty or forty pairs of eyes were focused on the large cardboard box. From the top, I lifted out brightly-colored, knitted jerseys. Eyes sparkled as I gave them out. Then there were the knitted bandages for the leprosy patients, and the children looked a little bored.. Then came a box of mixed raisins and sultanas – that would make a batch of buns for the weekend.

    Then, as I put my hand in again, I felt the…..could it really be? I grasped it and pulled it out. Yes, a brand new, rubber hot water bottle. I cried. I had not asked God to send it; I had not truly believed that He could.

    Ruth was in the front row of the children. She rushed forward, crying out, ‘If God has sent the bottle, He must have sent the dolly, too!’

    Rummaging down to the bottom of the box, she pulled out the small, beautifully-dressed dolly. Her eyes shone! She had never doubted!

    Looking up at me, she asked, ‘Can I go over with you and give this dolly to that little girl, so she’ll know that Jesus really loves her?’
    ‘Of course,’ I replied!

    That parcel had been on the way for five whole months, packed up by my former Sunday school class, whose leader had heard and obeyed God’s prompting to send a hot water bottle, even to the equator.

    And one of the girls had put in a dolly for an African child – five months before, in answer to the believing prayer of a ten-year-old to bring it ‘that afternoon.’

    ‘Before they call, I will answer.’ (Isaiah 65:24)

    When you receive this, say the prayer. That’s all I ask. No strings attached. Just send it on to whomever you want – but do send it on.

    Prayer is one of the best free gifts we receive. There is no cost, but a lot of rewards. Let’s continue praying for one another.

    This awesome prayer takes less than a minute.

    Heavenly Father, I ask you to bless my friends reading this. I ask You to minister to their spirit. Where there is pain, give them Your peace and mercy. Where there is self doubting, release a renewed confidence to work through them, where there is tiredness or exhaustion, I ask You to give them understanding, guidance, and strength. Where there is fear, reveal Your love and release to them Your courage.. Bless their finances, give them greater vision, and raise up leaders and friends to support and encourage them. I ask You to do these things in Jesus’ name. Amen

    P. S. Passing this on to anyone you consider a friend will bless you both.

    I had to pass this on to you…I am keeping the faith that God will heal Ezra. He has put Ezra in the best hands possible other than his….YOURS!!!
    Blessings and keeping you in my prayers and heart.

  45. We are praying for your little Ezra and you. May God touch his little body and miraculously heal him. Also praying that God will give you unlimited strength through this process. We are members of GFC Eastlake and wanted to let you know we are praying. Love in Christ.

  46. by Judy Mallard
    Thanks for posting this Kyle. It has been most difficult running to the computer every couple of hours this last 4 days, with the hope of getting the Good News or not. I Thank our Heavenly Father for being the Amazing God He Is..!!! I believe it’s Answered Prayer thus far this week. Ezra Is doing better and I Pray that this will only continue. Yeah God !! A small improvement is better than no improvement.
    We will continue to Pray and spread Ezra’s Story global. Still Praying for that Miracle for Ezra to be behind all of this and be Cancer Free! Praying, Praying and Praying more!!!
    Sending you guy’s lots of Love and Blessings.
    Aunt Judy and Family

  47. I don’t know you, but Shawna Klintworth has asked for prayers through facebook. I’ve been following your blog since. I pray that God places his mighty hands over Ezra and heals him. I also pray that he gives you strength through all of this.

  48. Thank you for having the strength to give us this update! We have been praying that no news was good news, and we’re so relieved to see your post today. As I sit down at the dinner table tonight, we put our hands together and pray. My husband asks the Lord to give you and Ezra strength, my 7 year old asks the Lord to make Ezra better so he can play with his toys, my 4 year old asks “please take his boo boos away”, and I pray for the Lord to give you these days. Days where you can all sit around your dinner table as a family. Days when Ezra and Charley can argue with each other about who’s going to finish their dinner first so that they can get ice cream. And I pray that those days will turn into years, and those years will become a lifetime. Ezra and Charley are amazing. We pray for you everyday and we will not stop. You have truely changed us forever.

    Love and blessings,
    The Folsom Family

  49. your story breaks my heart on so many levels…for the pain you are going through and the faithfulness you ar showing… I am amazed! I am a strong Christian woman but I don’t know if I could be as steadfast as you are. Its a blessing to everyone to see your strength. I pray continued healing for Ezra, continued answered paryer. I am a nurse and I see prayers answered all the time, God is a god of details and he loves your son! Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the pl;ans I have for you declares the Lord, a plan to give you hope and a future, a plan to prosper you not to harm you.” He is faithful! Praying and passing your story along. In His nam, B

  50. i am so glad to read that Ezra is doing better. I’ve only been familiar with your (and Ezra’s) story since Sunday, but I have been checking daily for an update. I am so deeply touched that I can’t get you out of my thoughts. Having lived through only a small fraction of what you have lived through with my own child with health complications, I *know* I am a a different and better person for having been through it… but I also know that the price of admission to this so-called “better/stronger” self is one that no one (and especially no child) should have to pay. You are in my thoughts and prayers. Keep up the good fight, Ezra!

  51. You don’t know me, but know that I am praying for your family. I have shared your story with my 300+ facebook friends and am asking people to pray for you. Praying for the Matthews family in Lake Mary, Florida– Sarina

  52. Kyle, The tone of your latest update (BTW-thank you, we are never bored!)reminded me of the scenario in 1 Kings 18:43-45 with Elijah & his servant. If you get a chance read it! I don’t know why but Ezra keeping his eyes open made me think of a glimmer of hope, and a small cloud, and the mighty miracles in this passage.
    Hangest thou in there!

  53. PRAISE HIM! It is so wonderful to see his eyes open and improvement, even if it’s just a little bit! He’s such a little fighter! Keep fighting this monster, sweet baby Ezra! There are SO many prayer warriors on your side, don’t give up! My son and I pray for you every night and won’t stop! God Bless!

  54. I have been reading your posts for over a week now. I find myself checking for updates often. My prayers are with Ezra and his family. I can’t read a post without crying for Ezra, crying for a miracle, crying for the family, crying because it seems like devasting news, crying because it seems like God might just decide that Ezra needs to be healed so that this world can rejoice in this beautiful little boy and we all can know tfhe power and love of God. He surely hears all of our prayers and knows that we are united in our wish for Ezra’s to have a chance to live a healthy long life. I have 3 beautful healthy children and I feel so blessed. I know that children are truly a blessing. I know that with all my heart and sole……Please GOD cure this innocent child of this horrible cancer….oh please let him grow to be old and strong…..please let his family and the world enjoy Ezra here on Earth….We so much need and want this mirracle….In Jesus name we pray….AMEN

  55. Psalm 41:2-4 (New International Version)

    2 The LORD will protect him and preserve his life;
    he will bless him in the land
    and not surrender him to the desire of his foes.

    3 The LORD will sustain him on his sickbed
    and restore him from his bed of illness.

  56. Ezra and your family are in my prayers. Put all your faith in God. Our Lord loves his children. Please remember that you have many many people who believe in God and are praying!!! Brooke Martin Lynnwood, WA

  57. Praise the Lord! Oh, how I praise Him for working in his little body. I continue to pray over him. Every time I check your website, I look at Ezra’s picture and lift my hands over him as if I were sitting beside him. Isn’t it awesome that we serve a God who hears our prayers for each other even though we’re miles apart?! I will specifically pray for Ezra’s body to heal from the chemo and for him to look into your eyes more and more. Please let him know that he is SOOO loved and we’ll battle along with him through this… God bless you all this evening.

  58. I also have been checking the website SEVERAL times each day- sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night and automatically go into prayer that our Great God and Leader will give us this miracle of Ezra’s health and recovery. I have begun fasting, giving up my most treasured sweets, chocolate. Everytime it comes into my path I hold back and pray for your sweet boy instead. You are such an inspiration with your strength and persistence, Ezra is a lucky boy to have you and Robyn as his parents. You have a lot of prayers being sent up for your sweet boy, and don’t ever think that you are alone in this because we are here on this earth for one another.

  59. I am an acupuncturist and would like to highly recommend trying acupuncture on Ezra. There are many qualified acupuncturists who even specialize in treating the side effects of chemo. Acupuncture can also help with pain relief, decreasing inflammation and stimulating the healing process. It can also stimulate appetite and decrease nausea. Acupuncture is not painful and many children have benefited greatly from it. Please discuss with your doctors and hopefully your hospital has an alternative medicine dept.?

  60. We serve such an AWESOME God! I have been praying for you sweet son and to let God’s will be done in his life! I have a little boy not much older than Ezra and just by hearing Ezra’s story it makes me hug him a little tighter! I am praying for Ezra and your family….I have faith that through God all things are possible! Sending you all my prayers!

  61. I found out about your story through my girlfriend, Nicole Swann. I am so moved by the strength it takes to go through what your family has had to endure. It is not over yet. I know God is using you and your family to remind everyone about the importance of faith and prayer.

    I was raised in a christian household and have always felt very connected to that part of myself but I often lose sight of him and I question my faith with so many doubts and uncertainties. I’m not saying any of this to make any of your struggles about myself. I wanted to let you know that when I read this post and looked at the pictures and videos you have up here I prayed, I mean really prayed in earnest for the first time in years. That precious little boy and your family’s courageous struggle has reminded me of how incredible the gift of life is and how much God can do in our lives. I have a son who is 2 years old and my heart goes out to you. I prayed with my sister and parents this evening and we all cried for you, and with you. YOU ARE NOT ALONE! This is one of the most amazing stories of maintaining faith in the midst of such tremendous adversity that I have ever encountered. My heart and my newly renewed prayers go out to you in this time of need. God bless you and your beautiful gift of a child.

  62. Thank you so much for sharing your courageous story! You have a super hero in the making with Ezra…he needs a cape :O)! He is a fighter and an amazing little boy with amazing parents. I am sending many prayers for the chemo to heal him and to take away the pain you are all fighting through. You are so very right about cancer killing our kids, our future yet it gets little attention and funding. I would like to help you with the fight for more research, funding and a cure for this disease which can not even be described. God Bless you, your family and that amazing super hero Ezra!

  63. Mathews family,

    Hi. My name is Lindsey and I just want to tell you that our family is praying for you all. I can’t even imagine what your family is going through. I do feel connected to your family through your story. My son Zachary who just turned 3 last week is in the fight against cancer as well. He has Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. He is in remission and holding strong. I also live in marysville and a few of my close friends went to high school with you both. It amazes me how open you are and frank you are with you writing. I am to scared to let people know my true pains and the struggles that come with this fight. It takes me quite a while to read each of your post because they are so powerful and all i can do is cry. Thank you for sharing your life story as it is happening. my heart goes out to you all. I am so glad that ezra is getting his chemo

    Prayers and good Thoughts,

  64. Praying for Ezra and your family. The prayer directives are so helpful. I know it doesn’t look like the picture you had planned but I want to thank you for being obedient to the Lord during this “interruption” in your life. God will use this interruption to glorify His name. Sometimes we don’t see what God is doing this side of heaven but as you continue to trust and obey He will use your family in a mighty way. Praying for Ezra and you both daily.

  65. Thank you for the update, and also for giving a specific direction to pray. When we meet tonight for prayer, I can instruct our team to pray that the chemo will work long enough so Ezra’s body can heal. We are also praying for you and your family, and for your friends that are in the trenches with you, arm and arm….

  66. I came across your son’s story through a family member that is a true believer in God and has lots of faith in God. I too believe in God and even though i dont know you or your son i truly pray to the Lord that he bestows a miracle to your family. May the glory of god come upon you and bless your always and i look forward to your posting everyday.

  67. Sending prayers and love to you and your little one! Amazing how Pooh can light up someone’s life and open his precious eyes! We are trusting to God to continue to heal and restore Ezra and to give you strength each hour, each minute. You are both amazing parents and display such courage! God bless you all!

  68. I found your story through the Layla Grace foundation and your sweet little boy has touched my heart very deeply. It warmed my heart to hear he was watching Pooh and responding ever so slightly. I will be adding you and your family to my prayers. Being a first time mother to a baby girl who is now 18 months I can not begin to imagine your pain but I feel your strength in the stories you post. Stay strong and know there are so many that love you and are praying.

  69. I wake up with your sons face in my heart! I pray with every fiber of my bieng. I will continue on suplication fast this week expecting restoration. Its midday in WA and he is always on my mind. love you guys

  70. We have never met, but I have read your story through a friend posting the link to your blog and have had your family on my mind ever since. My 5 month-old son had an adrenal tumor a year and a half ago that the doctors were sure would be neuroblastoma. Before his surgery to remove it, through MRIs and CT scans, it was looking like it had already spread to the other adrenal gland as well. We were terrified and felt the intense fear and helplessness that I’m sure you must feel often. We prayed for a miracle, and much to the surprise of the doctors, it turned out to be benign. I believe that God is capable of miracles, no matter how impossible they may seem, and I will not stop praying sweet little Ezra and your family. I’m so glad he is doing better. Take care, and God bless!

  71. Our family continues to pray for Sweet little Ezra. The Lord is going to continue to hold you all with His Strong Hands of Mercy, Strength, Hope, Healing, and Love.
    Feltman family

  72. We are still praying for little Ezra, today my 3 year old son & I prayed for him twice as I was reading your blog & Hunter kissed his pictures. You boy is so loved by all of us & especially by his Father!!

  73. We just started going to Grace a couple of months ago, but we heard your family’s name and story our first Sunday through the children’s ministry. Our two girls mention Ezra at every prayer time. We were lucky enough to see Ezra out in the courtyard walking around after a Saturday night service. We are pretty sure it was him? That is the image I carry of your son as my prayers go up for him. God Bless you all.

  74. Like so many others, we have not stopped praying for a miracle. We will not stop. We cannot stop. Your family’s story has consumed our thoughts for weeks. I’ve been a Christian all my life, I’ve seen His miraculous power at work before, & I’ve been touched by stories of pain, heartache, & immense love. I’ve *never* been touched by one like this, though.
    We are standing on God’s promise of complete healing. We will not back down, we will not waiver, we will not lose hope. I was taught to pray as though it were the only hope to a situation & I will NOT stop. We will continue to lift your family up in our every prayer. We cannot wait for the day when we hear the AWESOME news of God’s miraculous touch in little Ezra’s body. And we continue to lift up you & Robyn as parents to these sweet boys God’s given you.

  75. We do not know each other. I saw your link through the Layla Grace page on FB. We are in Cypress, TX. Know that so many are praying for your baby! What an angel he is!!! May God give you strength each day and I am praying for continued miracles! Watching him watch Pooh brought tears to my eyes! Such a sweet angel! Thank you for sharing your story!
    God Bless!
    The Zapalac Family

  76. no, i imagine this type of cost isnt worth the growth unless you do something extrodonaire with it … and i believe you will…just like the marshs, and otays and on and on…and i want you to know we will be with you to support you in all you do! Father we are asking to see a miracle for this lil guy…father be with him and keep him growing stronger so that he may fight the good fight and win this battle….yes cancer is a punk and from satan…so we rebuke any all that is not of You Lord to leave ezra’s body and we condemn it back to hell from where it came…we plead the blood of Jesus over ezra and this situationand we take authority over it! we thank you Lord that it is done! IJN amen and amen

  77. What a blessing that Ezra is doing Better!!!!! God is working, I can feel it, and will not stop praying for this precious little boy. May God continue to hold you all tight in his loving arms and carry you through this. God’s Blessings to you all……..from Illinois!

  78. We left FL and Grace before getting a chance to know you guys (Kim even tells me we lived in the same neighborhood as you). We have been following your story through FB and here on your blog. We have been praying and believing with you guys for sweet Ezra’s healing.
    One thing that has really struck me as I read your blog and all of the comments from precious people who are seeking God with you, is how much God loves you guys. He has rallied for you thousands of people to pray and believe and serve you in your time of need. It amazes me how God is moving the hearts of complete strangers on your behalf. I know there have been many moments over the past month where God just puts you, your wife, Ezra and/or Charlie on my heart and I sense an urge to pray. Sometimes it is specific and sometimes not but I know God is doing the same thing to so many others. Who are we that He would think of us? But He does!! He cares so deeply and loves each of you so strongly. We will continue to pray and lift you all up.
    Kristin Lemus

  79. Joining the Tampa group today in constant prayer for Ezra. My 2 year old daughter, Kirsten, and I have been looking at pictures of Ezra and praying for him. Nothing more precious and powerful than a prayer of one child for another! May God bless you with an extra dose of strength and joy today!!

  80. Thank you for the update. We keep fighting and when we are weak or tired, we keep on keeping on. God is moved when people pray. I saw the video from Ezra’s prayer, that was so I do not even know the word. I am with you with regards to this cancer … I hate what it does to people and specially children. I pray that you continue to see good results and that your journey will continue to move you more into the promises you are awaiting to see fulfilled in your son! We are standing with you in prayer!

  81. May God be with you and your family as you are giving all you have towards a wonderful outcome with your son…..I am also a twin and know the bond……and I also understand your lost recently as well..
    Sharon from Florida

  82. I just found out about Ezra this morning from a friend on Facebook. I live in Wisconsin and am praying for your little boy. Even though you don’t know me, I feel a connection through God. He alone can heal Ezra and He alone can give you strength and love so that you may go on each day, fighting for your little angel. I will continue to pray for Ezra and will ask my friends to pray for him also. Take good care, and I am thinking of you and Ezra. In God’s name, Sincerely, Pat