in General

what now?

So as I mentioned last night, Ezra’s heart rate has been up and his breathing has also been very rapid. We were thinking this was from the fluid in the lung (an xray was taken on the 18th which showed fluid in the abdomen and some in the lung), and perhaps the heart beat being so fast was from pain, although we weren’t sure what specifically was causing that. The tumor by his eye is enough better that it looked like it shouldn’t be causing that much pain (although it’s still very much there, and he still can barely open that eye at all).

The dr suggested we do a chest xray again to see what was going on. The results are not good. I’ve posted a side by side of the xray from the 18th and the one from just now below (check if you’re reading this on CarePages). I’m not sure I was supposed to have this yet… but uh… I was snapping pics on my cell phone while the doc wasn’t looking as he showed us. 😉

You can see a couple weeks back there was something there (we think fluid), and today that is nearly in his entire chest cavity.

We are not 100% sure this is fluid – it could also be tumor. And if it is fluid, we’re not sure if it’s basic fluid which we may be able to drain, blood, or what’s called Malignant Pleural Effusion – basically a secretion from tumors which would not be able to be drained as the tumor simply keeps making it. The dr has just ordered a CT scan stat, so Ezra should be getting that within the next few hours to try and get a better hold on what this is.

If it is simply fluid (not blood, not tumor secretion, not tumor) we are going to try a chest tube to drain it. This will allow Ezra to breathe easier and slow his heart back down (the thought being the heart is beating faster due to pressure on it). There is a very real risk of bleeding associated with this option, but his platelets have been hovering around 20 the last few days, and we will give him more today as well as daily going forward. If we do nothing with this, it is not stopping so it would soon mean he would not be able to breathe anymore.

If what we’re seeing there is either blood or tumor, the situation is much worse, and… well, basically, we’d be unable to do anything anymore for him but pray. Please keep doing so. We’re on our knees in faith and fear.

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  1. Lifting your entire family to our God in prayer. You have graciously allowed us…strangers and yet brothers and sisters in Christ to come to know and love Ezra and his loyal family. Thanks be to God for your honesty during this season in your life! Thank you for considering us…your Christian family at a time such as this. Please whisper in Ezra’s ear that there are many poeple out here that love him dearly. His pictures make me smile.

  2. I am so sorry. I have been keeping up with Ezra… and praying fervently for your son. I will pray harder. I am asking God for such a miracle of healing… to Display the Wonder of His Splendor.

  3. Oh my. That is how I felt at the hospital as well. ‘What next?’ I am so sorry that Ezra is going through all this and sorry that you as parents are having to witness this in your child. There are no words to describe the feeling. I pray that it turns out that it is just fluid if anything. I will keep checking back for updates. My prayers to Ezra, you and your wife.

  4. We are standing in faith with you still that it is the most simple thing and that God will continue to heal and provide.

  5. Praying. Praying ever so deeply with you. I pray it is fluid that can be taken care of without issue. Dear God, please heal Ezra.

  6. Praying for you Ezra!!!!!! Hang in there!!!! You are such a STRONG boy! Praying for your whole family!!!! XOXO

  7. My heart is breaking for you all. I have been following Ezra’s story and I can’t make any sense of why your beautiful son is having to go through this.

    I pray that God will perform a healing miracle so that Ezra can be a living testament to His healing hands.

    I pray that God will bless you with strength and comfort, and. That He ease Ezra’s pain.

    Many prayers for you all from Austin.

  8. Praying for you, sweet Ezra! Praying for the scan results; praying for the family’s peace and strength…praying!

  9. God speed little man. God, I ask in the name of the Holy Jesus Christ you would spare Ezra’s life, to be a testimony to Your name of the living power of the Holy Spirit. God only YOU can heal ezra now Lord, we plead for his life and for him to be pain free. I pray for his parent’s that you would send them comfort and peace that surpasses all understanding. Not our will Jesus, buy Yours. Amen.

  10. Our Lord, and Heavenly Father, please allow this to be fluid that can be drained from Ezra’s body. Allow it to be drained easily, with out complication so that this sweet little boy that you have created can breath easier. During the drainage, protect Ezra from any chance of bleeding. We lift this up before You, knowing that You are always in control. By the blood of Your Son, Jesus, Amen

  11. Oh praying so much! I just simply cannot imagine! Always sharing on Facebook for even more prayers, Our God is Mighty to Save!

  12. Praying Praying Praying, as I have continued to do for weeks for your precious Ezra and for your family. Words cannot express the ache in my heart for you all. I will continue to pray for a healing miracle for Ezra. Heavenly Father, hear all the many prayers for little Ezra.

  13. I’m so sorry that you guys are going through this. I’m praying for God to use His mighty power to heal your boys. I know He can, but I sure do wonder why He sometimes doesn’t.

    Either way, thank you for sharing your struggles and may God bless your family.

  14. Praying. Really, I am. For all of you! I can’t begin to imagine the extreme fear and extreme faith you feel along with complete exhaustion. Trusting the Lord will hold you in the palm of his hand!

  15. Lord please let this be regular fluid that can be drained, that Ezra’s heart will beat @ regular speed, that he will be able to breathe with ease. Please hold him Lord, that there would be no bleeding from the tubbing, that he would not be scared. Please be with momma and daddy, hold them close to you, bring them peace that only you can give. Give the Dr’s, staff and anyone involved Your wisdom and swift hand to perform in perfection. But most of all Lord, I pray like many others that you blow the world’s socks off with a miracle that will bring you glory….in Jesus name we all pray.

  16. With all that I am and have to give, I am praying…..praying…..praying!!!! Lord, You are the GREAT Physician!!! We beg you now to heal our little Ezra!!!!

    Lord, in our weakness You alone are Strong!!!

  17. Almighty God please heal sweet little Ezra completely and swiftly and let him be a living testament to Your endless love and power to do any and all things. We pray for a miracle that we know is possible if it be Your will Lord. Hold Ezra and his family in Your arms and grant them peace above all understanding that only You can give as they journey through these unimaginable trials.

  18. Praying for Ezra that it’s just fluid and it can be drained without complications. He has been such a trooper and fighter, I just know he can beat this too! Love and prayers to all of you know.

  19. Praying for sweet little Ezra! Heavenly Father I pray that you would wrap little Ezra in your healing arms. Comfort him and his family. Take away his pain! I pray Lord for the miracle of healing which only you can provide!

  20. We are still praying for healing and comfort for little Ezra and for comfort and peace for the two of you. God is still there with you!

  21. We are lifting up your beautiful boy in prayer as I write this. Our God is so amazing he can and does heal. I will continue to pray.

  22. I have been following Ezra’s recovery since he first went into the hospital, I pray daily asking God to see him through this horrible desease and to comfort you his parents. But God’s plan is not ours to see or question. I will continue to pray for that brave little boy and you dear Christians that God’s will through his son Jesus Christ be done. Amen

  23. I think about every thought & prayer has been lifted up to “Our Lord” for your precious “Little Man”, Ezra & you & your entire family, but FAITH IS THE VICTORY & PRAYER in numbers does attract our Father’s attention. Praying every person who hears & sees his story will submit him in prayer to their entire church, organization, work place,family & friends. Praying as a result of these phenominal numbers of prayer a MIRACLE is coming soon for Ezra.

  24. My family and I continue to pray for you and your family. Today, my four year old asked God to take Ezra’s cancer and give it to the weeds… 🙂

    Thank you for sharing your lives with us. Although we don’t know you in person, we know you in spirit. Unfortunately we have cancer in common…but fortunately, we also have God and he remains in control. Our family loves you all very much and we will continue to pray and fast for your family and Ezra.

  25. Praying that this is just fluid and that the chest tube will drain it quickly so Ezra can breathe easier and his heart can beat unstressed. God Bless you all!

  26. Praying for the best possible CT scan results! Thinking and praying for sweet Ezra and the both of you during this time!

  27. Continued prayers for your precious little Ezra to receive the miraculous healing only our Mighty God can provide.

    Father we’re on our knees asking You to bless this beautiful family in ways we can’t even imagine!

  28. “I tell you the truth, if anyone says to this mountain, `Go, throw yourself into the sea,’ and does not doubt in his heart but believes that what he says will happen, it will be done for him. Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours. And when you stand praying, if you hold anything against anyone, forgive him, so that your Father in heaven may forgive you your sins.” Matthew 11:23-25

    I honestly don’t have the words to express what I am feeling right now, so instead, I’m just going to pray for Ezra with every ounce of my being. God, please hear our prayers.

  29. I have been following your story and have prayed for family as hard as I know how. I find my mind wandering back to Ezra throughout the day… to a boy i don’t know but cry for every time I read a post. Whatever time he has on earth, this child will know he was covered, immersed, surrounded by Love.

  30. I continue to pray for Ezra and your family every single day, asking God to uphold you, guide you and comfort you during this difficult time!

  31. i second exactly what ….Rebecca says (on November 2, 2010 at 3:36 pm)
    “Lifting your entire family to our God in prayer. You have graciously allowed us…strangers and yet brothers and sisters in Christ to come to know and love Ezra and his loyal family. Thanks be to God for your honesty during this season in your life! Thank you for considering us…your Christian family at a time such as this. Please whisper in Ezra’s ear that there are many poeple out here that love him dearly. His pictures make me smile.” & cry …
    we love you all so much…huge hugs from maryland to dear ezra and ma and dad ! we are all praying and loving you through this.

  32. praying in agreement with : Teresa Bozovich says (on November 2, 2010 at 4:36 pm)
    “Lord please let this be regular fluid that can be drained, that Ezra’s heart will beat @ regular speed, that he will be able to breathe with ease. Please hold him Lord, that there would be no bleeding from the tubbing, that he would not be scared. Please be with momma and daddy, hold them close to you, bring them peace that only you can give. Give the Dr’s, staff and anyone involved Your wisdom and swift hand to perform in perfection. But most of all Lord, I pray like many others that you blow the world’s socks off with a miracle that will bring you glory….in Jesus name we all pray.”
    and in Jesus holy name we all pray. amen & Amen!

  33. My family has been praying for your little one since we heard of your story. You have many prayer warriors out there and god is good.

  34. I am touching the screen & asking GOD for healing & to continue to work miracles for little Ezra. I pray it is only fluid & that it can be easily drained without incident & he will feel so much better when it is out. I pray his tumors continue to shrink & that you once again have a healthy little boy to love!!! Make it two healthy little boys!!!

  35. Ok, God, we are ready for the miracle that only You can give. Praying for it to happen NOW!! God be with this wonderful loving family as they wait on You. Amen.

  36. sweet Jesus, precious Jesus, let there be only fluid and easy removal of it!! Father and Holy Spirit we bow down to you in faith and mercy,, Lord hear our hearts cry out we are one and undivided!! HEAL BABY EZRA,,thank you,,love your children

  37. Praying for your full recovery. Praying for a miracle from God. He does preform them. Lord, I ask for complete healing for precious Ezra. Grant this family the miracle they need….

  38. We will not cease to pray for your Precious Ezra, you & your sweet wife, and your whole family!! Our hearts feel so heavy for all of you and deeply pray that in the midst of your indescribable pain that you feel God’s Love and Care for your son and for each one of you!!
    Love in Christ,
    the DiBari Family

  39. We miss you guys… Nat and I read the updates together (Robyn, just in case you are taking note, counts for two!) and we cry and sigh and talk about how lovely that boy is. Thanks for the news and your thoughts, Kyle. If you’re not numb by now from these words in return: you are in my thoughts… know that you are everyday. My mind constantly wanders to Ezra’s bedside where I see you both right there loving him and loving him and loving him. I know you have an army, but if you need anything, please let us know. Anything we could possibly do to make this in any way less awful for you… With love and hope.

  40. We are praying for a Miracle and for the Lord to give strength to you and Robyn with continuous faith and trust in Him.

  41. My daughters and I are lifting our prayers everyday. We are on our knees for Ezra and his family for a Miracle, strength, and love.

  42. Thinking of Ezra – our 2 and 4 year old have been praying for him and so are we. Checking back for updates and praying for good ones. God is faithful…and never late. Sending as much love as one can send via the internet.

  43. I pray for you and your wife everyday, I pray for our Lord to swaddle you both covering you with peace and love. I am at a loss for any additional words other than I your beautiful family has touched so many lives.

    In christ,
    Melanie Diaz and Family
    GFC Member