in Video

800 days

Hey folks. Here’s the celebration of life service video. It was a good 50 minutes long, so make sure you’ve got some time to sit and watch if you plan to. Again, thank you to everyone who came.

We have already applied for our 501c3 status for our foundation and will hopefully let you know on that by January. Awesome things are in the works…

Watch 800 Days on Vimeo.

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  1. Kyle and Robyn,
    Thank you for sharing this moment. Mike was unable to attend the service on Saturday, but now he will be able to share that memorable day. We are still spreading your story and getting the word out. We look forward to joining you in your fight and will help in setting it up any way we can.
    Love, Melissa and Mike (Kim’s parents)

  2. Praying that you continue to feel Ezra’s love in your hearts, his joy in the small things and the hope of being with him someday…

  3. What an amazing little boy… To touch so many people and so many lives. I’m sure many people are going to carry him in their hearts forever. I watched the entire video and cried for your losses. For Pierce and for Ezra. I cannot imagine how strong you have to be to deal with everything that you have but please continue to have that strength. May God watch over and bless your lives forever more. Charley, your big brother will always be looking down on you from above and I’m sure he’s proud of how far you’ve come and how far you’ll continue to go. Many blessings.

  4. After being able to reflect on our memory of the service and your family, this is even better than the live version. AWEsome story, AWEsome son, AWEsome God and an AWEsome family.
    We continue to pray and support you and yours. Hug each other from us.

  5. Thank you for sharing such a private moment. I am in AWE of God’s peace in both of you. The grace and faith you have shown thru this journey. May our Lord continue to pour out his peace and mercy on your family.
    Always in my prayers.

  6. Ezra and his family glorify our heavenly Father! Father God, Your creation Ezra was simply one of Your best! I do look forward to having an infinite number of days to secure my hugs and kisses from Ezra! Thank you for Your Son and the life He gave so I will be able to do just that! Thank you Lord for giving me so many things to look forward to. Meeting Ezra and holding him is one of those things!

  7. I was unable to attend so I thank you so much for sharing this service. I only knew Ezra from FB friends posted for prayer but this service has made an impact on me as well. Again thank you.

  8. I am so grateful to have met such a strong loving family. I will never forget Ezra as long as I live.

    He has touched so many in so many different ways including myself. He was a special little boy!

    Thank you for sharing this wonderful and special time. I am looking forward to helping Ezra’s foundation!

  9. I think watching this Celebration it has helped me to accept. Dave Matthews – you are amazing! Thank you for inviting me to be your friend. I couldn’t be happier than to have friends in people like the Matthews. I am touched, I am astonished. My love is pure and Holy. Ezra is gone but never will he ever be forgotten. Kyle your song was incredible – I enjoyed very much listening to you. Robyn your grace and beauty shines so brightly. I loved hearing the words about turning grief into laughter. Ezra had the BEST laugh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I will try my hardest not to cry anymore – i think I’ve cried every single day since the 8th of November. I think I’ve said it a million times – I love you guys and your sons. Thank you for this blog and thank you for being you. Thank you for giving us all Ezra <3
    I look forward to hearing about the staus of your foundation – I am and will be a strong soldier in your fight against neuroblastoma. I will be a better parent and a better person having come along in your journey.
    I also look forward to watching Charley grow up and seeing all kinds of wonderful video of him. I am thankful that my mom had the chance to meet you all and to love on your sweet Charley. I wasn't there in body but I certainly was in mind and spirit.

  10. Thank you for sharing your beautiful son Ezra with us – thank you for sharing YOU! Thank you for sharing God! We love you – please keep us updated periodically because I consider you family and would very much love to see you and see little Charley grow!

    Our love! Gena and the 3C’s – Cameron, Carly and Carson!

  11. The celebration of Ezra’s life was absolutely beautiful!! The song for Ezra that Kyle sang was amazing and I could just picture Ezra dancing in Heaven as he heard his daddy singing it. What a perfect way to celebrate Ezra’s life!

  12. I just wanted to tell you both that that was a very moving service, and that i admire you both so much. In times like these, it is very easy to be angry with God, but that hasnt happend with you. I cannot imagine all that you have been through. Your little Ezra has touched my heart, as well as so many others.

  13. I can’t bring myself to watch the video. But I wanted to say that my sons name is Ezra too- he is 3, we also live in FL, and he also has cancer (ALL). I am not sure what the odds are of that, but I wanted to let you know your family is in my thoughts. If there is anything or any way I can help please let me know.

    Light and love- Beth

  14. This was beautiful… and the impact Ezra has had on many… it’s so beautiful… God did His work in Ezra’s life to bring so many people to him… He has forever touched my heart… and the heart of my children… i prayed with my 2 year old son about Ezra and your family… and still do… To Kyle, Robyn, and Charley… God Bless you… You are a beautiful depiction of God’s strength… and I love your hearts and admire your strength…

  15. TO BETH:

    May God Bless you and your son Ezra and shine His light in your hearts – many healing blessings to your sweet son.

    TO KYLE:

    Jars of Clay is amazing…You were amazingly filled with the love that song intends…


    You are – simply put – beautiful and an inspiration


  16. Your family and this celebration is an inspiration and quite a testimony. Thank you for sharing Ezra with us.
    “AND GOD SAID….”

    I said, “God, I hurt.”
    And God said, I know.”

    I said, “God, I cry a lot.”
    And God said, “That is why I gave you tears.”

    I said, “God, I am so depressed.”
    And God said, “That is why I gave you Sunshine.”

    I said, “God, life is so hard.”
    And God said, “That is why I gave you loved ones.”

    I said, “God, my loved one died.”
    And God said, “So did mine.”

    I said, “God, it is such a loss.”
    And God said, I saw mine nailed to a cross.”

    I said, “God, but your loved one lives.”
    And God said, “So does yours.”

    I said, “God, where are they now?”
    And God said, “Mine is on My right and yours is in the Light.”

    I said, “God, it hurts.”
    And God said, I know.”

  17. Kyle and Robyn, thank you for sharing your family with all of us out here!! Not knowing you in person yet i still managed to fall in love with your BIG man Ezra! The small glimpses i have seen through your blog show such an amazing little guy with such amazing parents. Thank you for sharing your gift with all of us… sending much love, peace and courage your way and an extra hug for Charley xoxo

  18. Thank you both for allowing me, a total stranger, to be a part of something so personal. You both showed such amazing grace and poise. What an incredible and inspiring celebration for an awesome little boy!

  19. I just want to thank you so much for sharing this video to us it has brought me to tears just to see you son go through everything that he did and even though it was hard for him just by reading all of the things you guys have posted he that the best attitude through it all and I just want to say that you and your husband are very strong to go through all of this but Praise the Lord one day you will be able to see him again and I know that it is hard for you to go through this but he is in a much better place now with the ONE that made him I will continue to pray for you and your family that the Lord will give you the strenght and the comfort that you need.

  20. Thank you so much for sharing Ezra’s celebration with us. I will continue to fight for Ezra everyday. Your story has deeply touched my life.
    Katie Wagner
    Birmingham, Alabama

  21. Kyle and Robyn, thank you for sharing this, as well as your story on this blog. I only came across Ezra’s story about two weeks ago, but I am so glad that I did. Beautiful Ezra was such an inspiration and I have no doubt that God has used his beautiful life, and your family, to impact so many. For that I am thankful, GOD IS GREAT! I will continue to pray for you and your family, and am looking forward to donating. I can’t help but share this passage that is in my mind as I write this,

    “But now, for a brief moment, the LORD our God has been gracious in leaving us a remnant and giving us a firm place in his sanctuary, and so our God gives light to our eyes and a little relief in our bondage” – Ezra 9:8

    I will look forward to hear of Charley’s journey. God Bless you all. May you continue to grow and be strengthened in the Lord, for I know I certainly have by knowing of Ezra and your family.

    Thank you Lord for the precious gifts of Ezra, Price, and Charley.

  22. It was the death of a little one with neuroblastoma that led my little girl to ask Jesus to live in her heart. What a beautiful service to celebrate 800 days of wonder, beauty and the gift of Ezra. I’ll hug my kids a little tighter tonight. praying for you all – you may never know until Heaven the many lives who have been touched and changed by Ezra and by your family. Words are simply not enough.

  23. This service was so touches my heart so deeply. I am SO grateful to you and Robyn for sharing this, as it just tortured me that I couldnt be there. Truly truly wonderful. Ezra – an incredible, beautiful, loving, joyous, supremely special gift to this world.

  24. Thank-you for sharing such a beautiful service and personal moment with you! Everyone who spoke just exuded their love for Ezra and your family! 800 days just doesnt seem long enough, but for all that he inspired and all the hearts and lives he touched may they make those 800 days live on forever in all of us! As Robyn said to continue to make an impact, to make a difference no matter how big or how small in the lives of others! Your son was a beautiful inspiration and you Robyn & Kyle are beautiful inspirations! Thank-you for sharing your journey and your beautiful boy!
    Wishing many blessings for your family!

  25. Ezra left a mark on my heart that will never fade. His passing is not in vain, as I am forever changed by him and all of you. I will help fight cancer and let his legacy live on. Thank you for sharing Ezra’s story, it has made an immeasurable impact on my life.

    In Christ,


  26. Beautiful! And AMEN!!! And thank you for sharing! It truly blessed my morning. Your family, through sharing your story has blessed my life. Thank you! Prayers are continuing for your family and friends and your new adventures! Can’t wait to see what’s to come!

  27. Robyn and Kyle, That was the most amazing celebration of E-Mans life. I’ve never seen anything like it. Thank you very much for sharing such a personal moment with the world. Great job on the song as well. It was very moving. One think keeps running through my head, so I guess I will share.
    “Although Ezra’s eyes are now closed,
    he has opened so many.” 801, 802, 803, ….

  28. What a beautiful service. …and what a tremendous impact your little man made during his 800 days here on Earth. Thank you for sharing.

  29. Thank you so much for sharing the Celebration of Ezra’s life. What an incredible life your little man lived. Praying blessings over your family.
    My 5 year old daughter watched some of the celebration with me and said very softly, “I’m sorry baby Ezra died.” We had been praying and believing a miracle for him.
    The Browns from Riverview, FL

  30. Thank you so much for sharing your son Ezra and your precious family with all of us. His laughter is contagious. His smile breathtaking. Cancer did not win, Ezra did…he is dancing with Jesus. God bless you Kyle, Robyn, and Charley.

  31. What a wonderful service for a beautiful life that has touched so many. Your family will be in our prayers and in our hearts forever.

  32. WOW! What an amazing service in memory of Ezra. Thank you for sharing your story to so many, thank you for sharing Ezra, thank you because you have taught so many.
    I have been amazed by your family since I first discovered this blog a few months ago and I continue to be in awe of you guys and how you have fought this battle, grief and pain with such grace. Your heavenly father has to be SO proud of you!
    Ezra’s celebration has touch me even more than I already was. We are one but we are many with God. I look forward to the future, knowing I am a changed person because of Ezra’s life.

    With Love, Brandi
    Houston, TX

  33. Kyle & Robyn,
    Thank you so much for sharing your story with the world. I came across your blog through the Layla Grace page and have been following it for a little while. My heart broke in to pieces when I saw that Ezra went to live with Jesus and his baby brother Price.
    I admire the love, courage and faith you have showen through all that you have been through. There are no words to comfort you during this sad time.
    There is a song you might or might not have heard by Steven Curtis it’s called “Heaven is the Face”here is the link.
    Ezra’s legacy will live on, it amazes me that such little guy can move mountains in 800 days and some people can’t move an ant hill in a decade. Wishing you and your family comfort and healing in this time of grief. I look forward to following your blog and helping Ezra’s cause.
    Much Love,
    Edie Lindgren
    Spangdahlem Germany

  34. I did not know Ezra in person but like so many others was lead to this blog by God’s providence. I too have been deeply touched by Ezra’s life and like your pastor said, am brought to a deeper understanding of the profound love of Jesus Christ through both Ezra’s life and your family’s strength. What a wonderful Savior and what a challenge to believers all over the world to see you all praise the God who gives and takes away. May the Lord continue to give you strength to keep fighting the fight against cancer and the fight to keep the faith.

  35. I am sitting in my living room in Alberta staring out the window at the piles of snow that have been falling for days. I told my husband that the snow is good for covering up our messy lawn – our house and yard haven’t looked this clean in months!

    I wonder why I am kind of addicted to coming to this website and reading your story. I thought at first that it was the similarities my family shares with yours – and while I do have a toddler (whose daddy picked the name “Ezra” if she had been a boy) who adores Elmo
    and is the sunshine of our world…and while I have cursed cancer’s timing as my little brother was diagnosed 2 days before his wedding this summer…and while I can’t help but put myself in your place when I look at your pictures and read this blog, I don’t think that is why I keep returning. I keep returning because when I do, God continues to wash me white as snow.

    I can find a million things to do in place of sitting and dwelling on God and his glory. Every time I think I am just going to peek in on your family and see if there are updates, I end up on my couch swimming in conviction and humility. And it is good. I am not talking of guilt and sorrow, I am talking of feeling that urgency that I think we are supposed to feel during our brief time on Earth.

    I leave this blog feeling washed – a blank slate ready to be filled with what is important. I leave with borrowed urgency to change this world.

    God uses many things to direct us back to Himself and Ezra’s life has been that for me.
    I will not be forgetting this boy that I never “knew” and I look forward to honouring Ezra, you and your strength with my blank slate.

    Thank you, thank you for sharing and for enduring so that your son’s life could be this and more for so many people.

    Michelle Ott
    Red Deer Alberta

  36. Amazing grace! Amazing grace! Amazing grace! Your family inspires me. I hope and pray that I will bring half the people to Gods kingdom that Ezra did.
    Love and prayers still from Seattle… xoxo

  37. Kyle and Robyn, what a blessing it was to view the video of Ezra’s Celebration service. It was a true celebration of his life here on this earth. May God comfort you as you move forward in all He has for you and your family! You will forever be in our hearts and Ezra will never be forgotten!!

  38. Kyle and Robyn,

    Thank you for your ability to present his story to the world. I am constantly using ‘my little friend’ as an example to friends searching for more. Ezra has reached out to me across 10,000 miles. He is still changing my life. Your videos, his love is really just at work in so many people.

    Countless times have I already heard back from people who I’ve shared Ezra’s story with. People who have no god, who are truly lost – not even searching for answers. Ezra has brought us together in an amazing way.


    You will always be in Misawa, Aomori –
    Japan. Thank you for your continual light
    to literally the whole world. I love you!


    US Navy
    Misawa Air Base, Japan

  39. What a beautiful service! Still praying for you guys! What a trip you have been on and it’s only the beginning. Your story has inspired many and I hope and pray it will continue to inspire and touch people!

  40. I have waited to watch the video. I just got done. My face is covered in tears of sadness yet at the same time I know Ezra is in a great place being the big brother he needs to be for Price. Cancer did NOT win, God just simply called Ezra home. When God calls we answer and Ezra knew that, so he did that. Cancer will not will as long sa we are fighting against it. Years ago, about 5 years ago, Pastor Craig had an excellent message, I can’t remember everything about it but I do remember the part that has stayed with me since then. That is..he said some people have tragic things happen to them and they automatically question what they have done wrong, why is God punishing them like this. He said God doesn’t punish us with tragidy. He may need to use you as a light for others to see Him. There maybe someone around you that has gotten off path and the light they see in you in the worst of situations maybe the light that guides them back. There is a lot of darkness out there and He may need a tragic situation to be the light because if you take this and question it the light will slowly fade BUT, if you take this and say I know Lord that you are in controll your light shines brighter and brighter and you can be the light in the darkness.
    Though it is very sad that your family has had to suffer the loss of a son not just once but twice in less that a year hundreds of thousands of lives have been touched. We all have seen the light of the Lord through you story and through your strength and through your faith in God. Ezra was a bright light shining and all of us are torches that have been set on fire from his flame to keep his flame shinning and to continue to touch others with your story. It was not just locally lit but God’s shining light through Ezra is continuing to light up the world! THE WORLD!!!! GOD IS GOOD!!!! 800 days of great blessings, laughter, hugs, kisses, and learning. A lifetime more of blessings, laughter, hugs, kisses, and learning. Your story continues on with Charley and will continue to impact the world with life changes. <3 you Matthews family and thank you for allowing us to be a part of your family no matter where we are <3

  41. Your story has touched my life and my heart. I my life is forever changed. Thank you for Ezra, for your family. I pray that you find the strenght and courage to get thru this. God Bless you all

  42. Thank you for video taping and sharing Ezra’s Celebration of Life. It was beautiful and I was in tears the whole time. Little Ezra touched so many people, myself included. I will never forget him or your family. God Bless you.

  43. I’m glad I was able to sit here and watch the whole service. I only starting reading your blog a couple of weeks ago, but every few days I was like “I have to check on Ezra!” I was heartbroken to read the post when he died. I have a 2 and a half year old, an 11 month old and I’m 26 weeks pregnant…I get overwhelmed with my two almost three kids, but Ezra makes me want to be the BEST mom to them that I can.

  44. Thank you for posting this, Kyle. I feel stuck on the injustice of it all as my heart is broken for you and Robyn. My prayers are with you. I pray God will spend the rest of your lives blessing your socks off to somehow balance the pain you have already endured if that’s even possible. I have no words to express my heart, but your little man will never be forgotten and he has changed me for the better. Thank you so much for sharing your journey.

  45. I have never seen anything more beautiful… or been touched so deep… my heart has felt more in the last few months than it ever has before. And my life is forever changed because of your son. Ezra’s memory will live on in my heart.

  46. Dear Kyle and Robyn~

    It was beautiful! The tons of balloons, gracious people, wonderful music, video and that sweet, sweet giggle. My children and I were there, complete strangers to you and yours but honored and humbled to celebrate Ezra’s life. The kids instantly and joyously recognized Ezra as we came in, as it was their little brother in Christ. On our way home, I wondered what that recognition of Jesus was like for Ezra. It was innocent and immediate because he already knew Him, you and Robyn introduced that endless and enduring love already. I witnessed on Saturday your family is everything you say you are, just as He is everything He said He was. As the comments said before, your faith has deepened ours and your son Ezra had us breathless and clinging to Christ. I too have an urgency and a blank slate. We are changed. Thank you. May you continue to walk with Him, and let Him carry you when you can’t. Still praying. Much love and peace.

  47. Thank you for sharing your experience and for posting Ezra’s Celebration of Life. I continue to pray for you and your family.

  48. Amazing, his service was amazing and beautiful!! What an inspiration you two and Ezra have been. I agree with Dave, when I grow up I want to be just like Kyle and Robyn. Ezra changed the life of my son…11 years old he decided he needed to help Ezra, he raised 130.00 on his own for Ezra several months ago. As for me…you Kyle and Robyn have given me the strength to go on, face each day with a new outlook and slow down just a bit. Hug my kids a little tighter, tell my parents I love them more often…You are an amazing couple. Charley will have the most amazing parents. May God always bless, hold you tightly, and minister to you needs.

  49. What an amazing celebration of life and such a testimony of Ezra’s sweet spirit and gentle character. I cried tears of sadness b/c you’ll no longer see him this side of heaven, yet I cried even bigger tears of joy b/c you will see him in his glorified body worshipping his savior!! He is healed, amen! I’m so grateful to have gotten to know him through you all. We continue to pray for your lives and for the Lord to always fill you with his love and strength to get through this. (Could you let us all know if there is a place we can still send cards? Whenever you have a chance that is!!)

  50. I watched Ezra’s celebration of life a few days back and it was beautiful. He is beautiful and he is with God in perfection. What an amazing thought!
    I just wanted to let you know that I am still thinking about and praying for you family and will continue to do so. Kyle- Your strength humbles me. Robyn-You are wonderful-captivating and it inspires me. To both of you, your children are all three wonderful, both of your children in Heaven and the one you have on Earth. Ezra and Price were blessed to have such wonderful parents and I hope you realize they both know that. And Charley is going to learn that and be amazed to see how strong you both are. You have an unwavering, unshaken, and unconditional love for God is a powerful testimony. I will always pray for your family and the 5 of you will always have a special place in my heart, right next to the Hunter family. 🙂 You are so loved.-Kristyn, UCF

  51. You do not know me but I have been following your story for awhile now. My heart aches for your loss. I thank you for allowing a total stranger to be apart of one of the most amazing celebrations I have ever witnessed. Ezra was an angel here on earth. You could see it in his smile and hear it in his laughter. He taught so many people that he never even met what life is all about….love…laughter…patience….and complete grace. Your little man will certainly be missed. I will not lie, I sat on my couch at 4am watching that entire video with tears streaming down my face. I cried for what was lost….someone that would have made a gigantic impact on this world but then I realized that this little man already did. He was blessed to have you and you were blessed to have him. I know in my heart he is walking beside you each day and he will make certain that little Charley will be alright! His big brother will always be with him. He will always be with you.

    Many prayers and much love,
    from WV.

  52. Thank you for sharing your journey. I am so sorry for your loss. I found (and followed your blog) from another blog and my life has been forever changed….Ezra was a very special little boy and you are both very special also….
    We need to find a cure for cancer. Let’s all pitch in to help find a cure.
    God Bless you. “Ramble on!”

  53. I just watched the video with my husband and son. Thank you for the gift that is Ezra. We will hope to join you in your fight now as we continue to honor your baby boy and do our part to put an end to neuroblastoma and other cancers. God Bless

  54. I am praying for rest for you and your family.

    Thank you for sharing your son. God used him to soften my heart. I will be a better mother.

  55. Thank you for sharing this! The message Ezra leaves us with is loud and clear … 800 days and for the last 200 days I have disliked a lot of what I have been doing here instead of making an impact upon those around me and most of all and impact for the Kingdom of God. Thanks you!

  56. I am praying for your family as you encounter this first holiday without sweet Ezra here on earth with you. He is celebrating above.