in General

We are hard at work gearing up for 2011 and launching into our new foundation. We have been chatting with lawyers, doctors, and supporters every day recently, and are really excited about the buzz over Because of Ezra. We just today released stage 1 of our foundation website, and you can see it at It’s a little light on content, and we will be adding more information as January and February come, but we wanted to get something out there this year! If you’re on Facebook and you haven’t yet, you should “Like” our foundation page as well!

I just wanted to drop a note saying that, it’s exciting for us. The St Pete Times is also running a story on Ezra’s life, which will be in tomorrow’s paper (Friday) – you can already view it online here.

Charley is doing great! He keeps growing like normal, and although he still has oxygen and his feeding tube, he is a happy boy and babbling a lot. 2011 is looking to be a good year.

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  1. That’s a great update. The website is beautiful. I miss Ezra so much. It’s good to hear from you guys and I am so glad Charley is doing well. 🙂 Thinking of you all!

  2. So happy to hear that. Can’t wait to see the site and everything that unfolds. Hope you enjoy your time in Greece! Lots of love to your family!

  3. This is the most precious picture of Ezra. I imagine that Jesus marvels over him everyday in their time together. Praying for your family at every thought.

  4. All I can say is wow. I’m not sure how you’ve done all of this already…just amazing. Praying for you all and for Charley. Ezra’s life and the gift of who he is will continue to reach far and wide. Such a gift.

  5. so glad! we are truly changed by Ezra and I can’t wait to see the site up and running! supporter of Because of Ezra all the way! <33

  6. Anything I can do from Seattle… just say the word!!! I’ve said it before, god gave Ezra,Charley, & Price to the best parents he could’ve possibly chose!

  7. Inspired, Touched, Uplifted, Mesmerized, Hopeful, and in Awe of both of you. You are a testament to God’s love and peace. I stand by you to assist in any way possible. Staring with my endless prayers for your beautiful earthly and heavenly family. You are an inspiration to all!

  8. Absolutely love the newspaper article! I bought a few copies of the St Pete Times paper to have and give to friends/family!! I hope ya’ll have a wonderful time in Greece! I know God says do not covet what others have…but I can’t lie, I am jealous:o) Have a fantastic time in Greece and we look forward to contributing to Ezra’s foundation!

  9. Very VERY excited about the Foundation!! Looking forward to donating and supporting as much as possible. I received the other day a piece of mail from St. Jude’s Foundation with those evr so cute address lables that they so generously send me every year. I have to admit that I have used the lables in the past and never really paid too much attention the the rest of what was in the envelope. This is no longer the case. I opened the mail after my kids were in bed and sat on the couch to rwad every bit of information that was provided. There was a picture of a little girl named Amelia – her head had no hair and she had the biggest blue eyes. She is currently battling leukemia. I was touched. There was a graph chart included that named all the types of pediatric cancers and the rates of survival from 1962 till now and that is amazing. I saw that Neuroblastoma is still the lowest survival rate and this is unacceptable to me. There was an envelope along with a piece of paper asking for donations. The St. Jude Foundation seems AWESOME for all they do for children fighting pediatric cancers and their families. However; all I could think about was “Because of Ezra Foundation”. I want to contribute every possible penny I can to Ezra’s foundation. I support you Kyle and Robyn in every thing that you do and every thing that you have done. I love you and I love Charley and I will forever love Ezra with every bit of my everything. I wear Ezra’s necklace that my mom gave to me every single day and i will spread the word through his sweet picture that embraces me every single day. Peace and Love and everything!!!! LOVE LOVE LOVE

  10. I wish I had seen this earlier today – prior to mailing out your Birthday Card Kyle… I would have put a check in it! Like so many others – I am excited and in awe that you have accomplished so much so quickly. Your family has touched me so so much that at this point I am looking to forward my career and what I do. Right now I am an Early Childhood Master Teacher and I build relationships with preschool teachers to help coach them and improve their practice in every aspect of the children’s lives. I very much want to become a child development specialist and I am now looking to enroll in a yet another program (in education you wind up getting a number of certificates). I want to work with children and families and sweet baby Ezra has helped me to realize this is so needed.

    Well, HB Kyle (Dec 8th) – I hope it is a good one and a productive one! God Bless you all and may He fully bless your foundation!

    Love to you, Robyn and Charley! OXOXOX

  11. I am so excited that you two are on your well over due trip / vacation. Thrilled at the “Because of Ezra Foundation” getting started. Your family has touched the lives of thousands, and with the foundation under construction, we too will be able to touch many lives in Ezra’s honor. God Bless you for all you’ve been through, thick and thin. Bless you for showing us a love we’ve never known in the wonders of families suffering with children with Cancer. So excited to hear that Charley is doing well. Praying for peace, and for blessings to continue to cover you with God’s grace today and always.
    Love Aunt Judy and family

  12. Very exciting!!! We are so excited for you guys, and praying so hard for this to be more of a success than you could ever have imagined! Ezra touched so many lives and now that will never stop-his legacy will live on because of this and that is just absolutely incredible!! We are behind you all the way, whatever you need. Our family still prays for you and your family every single night- God Bless you. Please keep updating! Congrats! 🙂

  13. I am in awe of how quickly you have created Ezra’s foundation. So much work! Thankful God is opening enormous possibilities for “” Also “Praying the Prayer of Jabez.” May the Lord bless & keep you….the Mattheew’s & this foundation.

  14. I have never met your family and there is a good chance I never will. That does not change the impact your story has made on my life. I was honored to be able to attend Ezra’s celebration of life service, and i can assure you that my eyes burned into the night from the tears that I shed there. God GAVE Ezra 800 glorious days to live among us. And because of Ezra he will forever live from within us. And because of Jesus Ezra will have eternal life. I am so proud that Ezra’s light will continue to shine through in the form of this foudation and countless others ways that you will probably never know. You are both an inspiration in the love you have for God, for your children and for each other. I look forward to supporting Ezra’s foundation and continue to pray for Charley. GOD BLESS. P.S. Is the red shape in the logo a guitar pick? Love it!!!!

  15. P.P.S. I wanted you to know that the other day while going about the hussle and bussle of daily activities, I saw dozens of green, blue, yellow and orange balloons in a large store front window. It made me stop….I stared at the balloons lit up in the window in the dark of night, and with a tear in my eye, I smiled!!!! I smiled because I knew Ezra was okay, and because he was in heaven with God and better than okay!!!! Nothing but love for that little angel.

  16. I am so excited about your foundation! I am sure you are getting lots and lots of offers for help, but anything I can do for you three, I’m THERE! I am already planning a fundraiser for Because of Ezra, and I am sooooo pumped! Thank you so much for sharing your lives with us, I have been and continue to be truly blessed by your family.

  17. Your steadfast faith is inspirational. I don’t know God’s plan here but he is clearly at work and I know something beautiful will be the result.

    God bless Ezra and the Mathews family,

    The Branson’s

  18. Thank you so much for the update! Its amazing how much God can use you even with all the grief. You both are an amazing witness to His kingdom. You are all displaying exactly what God has us on this earth for. That even in the middle of the hardest times we are still to praise Him for this world is not our home! I cannot wait to see Jesus and His glory in the middle of Because of Ezra. Thank you for not letting the cancer ever win, God always WINS!
    The Website looks great! Cant wait to see more photos and videos of Charley 🙂
    Loves, prayers and kisses from Seattle…

  19. I, like many others, continue to think of your family and pray for you often. I hope that even though you are still feeling the loss of Ezra that you were able to enjoy the holidays with precious Charlie and the rest of your family. Many prayers have been sent your way! Love from the Ekbatani’s


  • E is for Ezra... a theme for a cause.... - Page 2 December 30, 2010

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  • Tweets that mention | The Matthews Story -- December 30, 2010

    […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Scott Goodger, Ezra Matthews. Ezra Matthews said: We are hard at work gearing up for 2011 and launching into our new foundation. We have been c… […]